It goes without saying that we need water to survive.
Yet far too many of us don’t drink enough of it on a daily basis.
Many people replace water with other beverages.
Common replacements include soda, juice, and coffee.
While these drinks do hydrate you slowly, they do so without nearly any of the benefits
that water provides.
Soda, juice, and coffee actually have a largely negative effect on the body.
This is especially true when they’re consumed in high amounts.
These beverages hurt just about every organ in the body.
There is no better time than now to replace other beverages with water.
We discuss the ins and outs of water below, paying particular attention to its major
health benefits.
The Role of Water
Water is essential to human life.
It makes up around 60% of our bodies.
Without it, we’ll die.
Our cells depend on water for their survival.
It’s a vital nutrient to these cells, helping them grow and reproduce.
Indeed, water makes up about 70% of the mass of our cells.
Water serves a number of other essential biological purposes.
It helps regulate our internal body temperature.
It lubricates the joints and keeps the muscles moist.
It metabolizes and transports carbohydrates and proteins.
It helps flush waste by urination.
It protects our brains and spinal cords from shock.
It keeps the fetus safe in the womb during pregnancy.
“Make drinking more water your
number one health goal.
Drinking more water provides a lot of
benefits itself and also makes it easier
to eat well, exercise daily, and
sleep more soundly at night.”
Problems Caused by Lack of Water
Fail to drink enough water and a number of problems arise.
The majority of these problems stem from dehydration.
Fatigue is the number one symptom of dehydration.
You’ll feel tired and slow all the time.
Continue to drink too little water and you’re put at risk for chronic fatigue.
A failure to consume enough water also leads to premature aging.
As we mentioned above, water is essential to the reproduction, growth, and survival
of all your body’s cells.
Without it, your cells aren’t able to function properly.
Free radicals are left to their own devices, causing damage to your internal organs and
prematurely aging your skin.
A lack of water correlates directly to obesity.
Not only does drinking water make you feel full, limiting the amount of calories you
consume, it also stimulates your body’s waste relief symptoms.
An ample amount of water likewise provides a boost to your metabolism, helping you burn
more calories throughout the course of the day.
The negative effects of a lack of water don’t stop there.
A lack of water can also lead to high and low blood pressure, high levels of bad cholesterol,
digestive problems, respiratory problems, urinary tract infections, and even brain damage.
Constipation is yet another symptom of a lack of water.
Benefits of Drinking More Water
There are so many benefits to drinking more water that there’s no way we’re able to list
them all here.
So we’re going to narrow down our focus on those benefits that are backed by the most
scientific evidence.
First and foremost, proper hydration has a huge effect on your overall brain function.
It increases concentration, improves memory, and boosts creativity.
Staying hydrated also ensures you sustain a higher level of energy throughout the course
of the day.
Along these same lines, water maximizes physical performance.
Just like with the brain, water gives your body more energy throughout the course of the day.
Drinking plenty of water is especially important when it’s very hot outside.
Drinking plenty of water also helps treat a number of small health problems.
Headaches and constipation are at the top of this list.
Dehydration is the number one cause of these problems so consume more water to do away
with their negative effects.
How to Drink More Water

For many people, drinking more water during the day isn’t exactly easy.
If you already drink a large amount of soda or juice, it’s important to make the transition
Start by drinking a large glass of water right when you wake up.
Hydrating yourself early will give you energy to start the day right.
Try to stick to a solid drinking schedule.
Have a glass of water every hour or so.
Try to drink water before you’re actually thirsty.
If you wait until you’re thirsty, you’re much more likely to drink an unhealthy beverage.
Another great tip is to invest in a high-quality water bottle and water filter.
This makes drinking water fun and even healthier for you.
Look for a water filter, like those offered at, that can purify both tap water
and raw untreated water.
What are you waiting for?
Make drinking more water your number one health goal today.
Not only does drinking more water provide a whole lot of benefits itself, it also makes it far
easier to eat well, exercise daily, and sleep more soundly at night.
About the Author
Walter J. Mcdaniel has been working Home and Garden Products importer for over 7 years. He has a B.S. in business from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. He has worked in Asia and Europe before he established his own company. Walter enjoys sharing his insights online.
Do you drink enough water?
What are your tips for drinking sufficient water each day?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.
This is such an important message! Thank you for helping to educate us all about the importance of pure, fresh water in our daily routine. I start every day with a hot cup of water. Yup, I heat it in the tea kettle, only I don’t make tea. Only after my second cup of hot water am I ready for my first of two cups of coffee. The rest of the day is water, and one of my favorite moments at the end of the day–that final cup of hot water after supper. Always been my favorite beverage!
Thanks Walter and Deborah for sharing this blog. I enjoyed reading about the many ways water helps our bodies, and am into the habit of hydrating before I feel thirsty. Have a great Memorial Day Holiday. I raise my glass of water to you. Nancy A.