There’s no denying it. There is a lot of negativity in our lives and in our world.
Wouldn’t you agree?
From what you see or read about in the news, to an unkind stranger’s words or actions you encounter in your daily life. It’s easy to let the negative thoughts, words, events, and actions in the world take over your heart and mind.
Taking the time to express gratitude is a powerful way to diminish the negativity you are exposed to.
If you’d like to increase positivity in your own life, cultivating an attitude of gratitude is a great place to begin. Instead of just saying one thing you’re thankful for around the holiday table, why not take it to the next level, and practice an attitude of gratitude in all of your daily doings?
What Does It Mean to Have an Attitude of Gratitude?
It’s about appreciation for all of life’s gifts. No matter what your circumstance, there is always something to be thankful for. In fact, studies have shown that ruminating on the positive increases feel-good brain chemicals which is good for your health as well as your relationships.
Like most things, we tend to attract whatever we put out into the universe. So if you’re in the mindset of being grateful for all you’ve got, then you’re opening the door for even more good fortune, wonderful people and promising opportunities to come your way.
Feeling Grateful Changes The Way You Feel Inside
. Become Happier
. Increase Your Joy
. Decrease Your Stress
. Deepen Your Connection with Self and Others
It’s All Possible When You Join The
FREE 30 Day Gratitude Challenge!
What Can The 30 Day Gratitude Challenge Do For You?
- People who take the time to express gratitude are happier.
- Gratitude increases feelings of optimism, joy, and satisfaction.
- They have less anxiety and depression.
- Gratitude is good for your health.
- Studies have shown that a gratitude practice strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, and reduces symptoms of illness.
- You’ll get more sleep.
- You’ll recover more quickly from challenges and even from traumatic events.
- Practicing and expressing gratitude will strengthen your relationships.
- You’ll experience stronger connections with people and your community.
Here’s What We’ll Cover In The Gratitude Challenge

Each day you’ll receive an inspirational email to support your Gratitude Practice covering the following topics–along with a relevant gratitude exercise that will help you make the most of each topic.
Day 1. Trying on an Attitude of Gratitude
Day 2: Accentuate the Positive
Day 3. Slow Down. Take Time to Appreciate
Day 4. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger
Day 5: A Cup of Self Reflection
Day 6: Give Thanks for the Simple Pleasures
Day 7: Hard Times Help Us Appreciate the Good
Day 8. Nourish Your Soul
Day 9. Surprise Gifts from Unexpected People and Places
Day 10. Celebrating the Moments Between the Moments
Day 11. To Be Positive and Present, Take Your Cue from a Child
Day 12. Appreciating the Wisdom of Our Elders
Day 13. Grateful for Your Family in All Their Beautiful Imperfection
Day 14. Commune With Nature
Day 15. Grateful for Your Powerful, Miraculous Body
Day 16. Grateful for Your Powerful, Amazing Mind
Day 17. Special Needs Folks Remind of What’s Really Important
Day 18. Grateful for Creature Comforts
Day 19. Honoring Your Mother and Father
Day 20. Challenge Yourself to Live in the Present Moment
Day 21. Ode to the Bountiful Harvest
Day 22. Grateful for Friends Near and Far
Day 23. Happy About Your Life’s Work
Day 24. Celebrating Beautiful Differences
Day 25. Appreciating Other Cultures
Day 26. Beautiful Music Makes Life Worth Living
Day 27. Your Inner Child is Calling
Day 28: In Awe of Our Precious Planet
Day 29. Heart and Home
Day 30. Be Grateful for Friends
You’ll also receive a FREE Gratitude Journal
Journal It. If you feel it, write it down. A written journal can help you on your path to self discovery and see what positive changes come about simply by having an “attitude of gratitude.”
Are You Ready To Start
Your Gratitude Practice?
Join The Gratitude Challenge Now!
Simply sign up below:
What are you grateful for?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.
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