Having a productive morning can really set the pace for the rest of your day, although it can be difficult to if you are not a morning person. It can also be difficult to have a productive morning if you have to be at work or school early in the morning, although, there are a number of different things that you can do the night before in order to make your morning more productive. If you are looking to make the most out of your mornings, here is how to have a productive morning.



Set your alarm clock

The first step in having a productive morning is to set your alarm clock. Setting an alarm the night before will ensure that you wake up on time in the morning. Whether you need to wake up at 6 o’clock or 8 o’clock in the morning, setting an alarm will help you to beat the tiredness and grogginess that you feel throughout the day. It is recommended that you get an average of 8 hours of sleep a night, in order to have a productive day the following day.

The that we feel some days can actually come from having too much sleep. So, setting an alarm will allow you to get an enough sleep in order for you to have a productive day. Setting your alarm for a reasonable hour will also allow you to complete a number of different tasks in the morning before you head off to work or school.

How to Have a Productive Morning

Don’t hit the snooze button

Another great tip to ensure that you have a productive morning is to not hit the snooze button on your alarm clock. As tempting as it can be some mornings, hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock in the morning can make it easier for you to stay in bed. Although staying in bed for a few extra minutes each morning is tempting, it can actually lead to your morning becoming unproductive.

If you’re spending extra time in bed, it usually results in you becoming late or skipping the steps that lead to a productive morning. Another great tip that you should incorporate into your morning routine is to make your bed as soon as you get out of it. Making your bed straight away makes it less tempting to get back into it, meaning you can get on with the rest of your morning.


Prepare in the evening

A great way to ensure that you have a productive morning is to actually prepare for it the night before. When it comes to preparing for the following morning there are a number of different things that you can do. The first thing that you can do is decide on what you will wear the following day and lay your clothes out, ready for you to put on in the morning. The next thing that you can do is actually make your breakfast and lunch for the next day. Keeping your breakfast and lunch in the fridge means you can quickly grab it the next morning, saving you the hassle of preparing it in the morning.

Another great thing that you can do the evening before is to pack your bag with all of the items that you will need the next day. Whether it is your bag for school or work, packing it the night before will ensure that you have everything that you need. You can easily waste a lot of time on these tasks in the morning, so doing them the night before will save you a lot of time and ensure that your morning is as productive as it can be.

How to Have a Productive Morning

Have a good breakfast

Having a healthy and filling breakfast in the morning will give you the energy that you need in order to get on with the rest of your day. It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, therefore you must make sure that you are having a substantial breakfast every morning. Your breakfast should contain all the right vitamins and nutrients that are needed to give you enough energy throughout the day.

Like previously mentioned, a great way to make your morning easier is to prepare your breakfast the night before and keep it in the fridge. By doing this you will save yourself time and means you won’t have to clean everything up before you head out for the day.  If you need an extra boost of energy in the morning you should also have a cup of tea or coffee. Many people find that having either a cup of tea or coffee in the morning really helps them to kick start their day.


Have a shower

An effective way to wake yourself up in the morning is to have a shower. Whether you do this before or after you exercise, having a shower in the morning can be an extremly beneficial part of your morning routine. Jumping in the shower first thing in the morning will help you to feel less groggy and will help you to become more alert. Once you have had a shower you can continue to get ready for the rest of your day. Brushing your teeth, combing your hair, and getting dressed first thing in the morning can really help to kick start your day the right way. Once you are ready for the day you can get on with the other tasks that you need to complete.

7 Exercises You Can Do at Home to Boost Your Fitness 


Another great way to make sure that your morning is as productive as possible is to do some form of  exercise. Doing some exercise every morning, even as little as 20 minutes, is a great way to wake up your body and your mind. Whether it is heading to the gym, going for a brisk walk or run, or even doing some relaxing yoga, exercise is a great way to give you that energy boost that you need in the morning. So, if you want to make the most of your productive morning make sure that you move your body.


Write a to-do list

A great tip that you can do easily to ensure that you are making the most of your morning is writing a to-do list. Although this may seem simple, writing a to-do list each morning will really help you to feel more productive throughout the day. All you need to do is write down a handful of different tasks that you want or need to get completed throughout the day. This is also a great way for you to stay organized and make sure that you are completing all the tasks that you need to in the day. Once you have completed a task you can tick it off your list, leaving you with a sense of accomplishment.



As you can see, there are a number of different things that you can do in order to have a more productive morning. Although following these steps won’t instantly turn you into a morning person, by slowing implementing them one at a time into your morning routine they will help you to become more of a morning person.


What are your top tips for having a productive morning?

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How to Have a Productive Morning - Having a productive morning can really set the pace for the rest of your day, although it can be difficult to if you are not a morning person. There are a number of different things that you can do the night before in order to make your morning more productive. If you are looking to make the most out of your mornings, here is how to have a productive morning.  #morning  #productivity  #productive  #productivemorning  #planning  #todolist  #morningroutine