When you think about recovering from an auto accident, you often think about the physical wounds and damage you might be dealing with. While it will certainly take time to heal from physical injuries you may have sustained in the accident, it is also important not to forget the psychological impact the accident could have had on you. Failure to deal with the psychological wounds of an accident can leave you in despair dealing with a variety of feelings from depression to fear and anxiety.
“In a matter of seconds, a car accident
can turn your world upside down.
While it may take time to recover,
use these self-help tips and speak
to a therapist about your troubles.”
Relieve as Much Stress as You Can
There is so much to deal with after an accident, that stress is pretty much a given. That being said, as you work to deal with the psychological wounds, it is important to minimize the amount of stress you’re under. You should reach out to a personal injury attorney to help you. You need an experienced law professional that can help you seek compensation for the financial aftermath of an accident. So if you’re stressed about medical bills, your inability to return to work, or anything related to finances, an attorney may be able to help you. For more information, go online to http://www.coloradolaw.net/html/auto.html.
Psychological Trauma is Just as Real as Physical

Some may brush off what they’re feeling as an accident as nothing more than nerves. However, the truth is that psychological trauma is real and can be long lasting. When you’ve been through what is a very frightening experience – particularly those that threaten your safety or well-being, it can leave you feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Reliving the accident in your mind and the events that occurred thereafter can lead to extreme periods of depression, anxiety, or even PTSD.
Signs You May be Suffering Mentally
While a minor accident may be something you can “bounce back” from mentally without resolve, severe accidents in which you sustained injuries – or, worse, require treatment. Below are some emotional and physical reactions you may have as a result of the accident:
· Shock or disbelief
· Anger, frustration, irritability
· Guilt or shameful
· Hopelessness and extreme sadness
· Anxiety, fear, or worry
· Social withdraw and or isolation
· Mood swings
· Numbness (emotional)
· Nightmares, the inability to sleep
· Increased heartbeat
· Lack of energy or extreme fatigue
· Body aches, pains, and muscle tension
· Startled responses or bad nerves
· Crying spells
· Lack of concentration
· Loss of memory
· Flashbacks or triggers that bring back memories of the accident
Everyone Has a Different Response
Everyone reacts differently to trauma as everyone may experience auto accidents differently. However, if you notice any of the above signs in yourself or you simply don’t feel right mentally, it is best to reach out to a therapist for assistance with getting back on track. They can help with cognitive processes that will ultimately help you to move past the psychological wounds of the accident. You should definitely seek help if:
· You experience the above symptoms for more than a few weeks
· You’re unable to function at work or home
· You’ve started avoiding things that trigger emotion or reminders of the accident (such as driving)
· You’ve started using drugs or alcohol to cope with the emotions
Self-Help Tips for Healing from the Psychological Trauma
While you should definitely seek professional help, there are things you can do at home to start to heal from the event and the emotional impact it has on your life and well-being.
· Maintain your daily routine. As much as you can, try to maintain a regular schedule. Stay active and involved on a daily basis so that you don’t fall into a state of depression. If your injuries prevent you from doing this, then try as best you can to find things to occupy your time.
· Seek help from others. It is important not to bottle your emotions up. Talk with friends and family members about what happened and how it makes you feel. They can, at the very least be there to give you words of encouragement to get through this trying time.
· Take care of yourself. When you’re emotionally strained, the basics like eating, sleeping, and exercising are often thrown to the side. This, however, can cause more distress. It is important that you continue to eat a well-balanced diet, get enough rest at night, and exercise or stay active. When you’re physically well, it can make getting past the emotion of it all a lot easier.
In a matter of seconds, a car accident can turn your world upside down. Feeling powerless and out of control are very common – especially when it was a significant accident. It is important, however, that you don’t allow this to get the best of you. While it may take time to recover, use the above self-help tips and speak to a therapist about your troubles. Taking it one day at a time will ultimately help you reclaim your life and get back on track.
Have you or someone you love experienced trauma from an auto accident?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.
Thanks for posting. This info could really prove helpful to those in need of healing from an accident’s less visible wounds.