More than 50 million Americans experience an allergy of some form each year, which means that there’s never been a better time to educate yourself on the allergies out there.

Allergies can make even simple tasks, like going out for a meal or spending time outdoors, a challenge, and whilst there isn’t a definitive cure for allergies, there are ways to alleviate the symptoms and make them more manageable.



Read on to find out about some of the most common allergies out there and the ways you can alleviate the symptoms if you get diagnosed with an allergy.

Common Allergies And Treatments To Alleviate The Symptoms

Hay Fever

What Is It?

Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollutants in the air, including pollen, dust and dirt particles. It is a common allergy that causes cold-like symptoms, including a runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing and coughing. The problem is usually worse in Spring, when flowers release the most pollen.

How Can You Alleviate The Symptoms?

Antihistamines can temporarily alleviate the symptoms of hay fever. For longer-term relief, consider visiting a chiropractor. It might sound unconventional, but they can make your body better prepared to fight your allergy. Chiropractic adjustments can release the stress that your nervous system gets put under when hay fever hits, which helps to improve the way your immune system functions. Your body is then better equipped to ward off allergens like pollen. If you want to avoid taking tablets, get in touch with your local clinic. There are plenty of places to choose from, for instance California based residents can book an appointment with , whose head doctor is the only Diamond Certified Chiropractor in the San Francisco Bay Area. Wherever you choose to visit, do some research and you may just find this to be the answer to your life-long hay fever struggles!

Common Allergies And Treatments To Alleviate The Symptoms

Pet Hair

What Is It?

Much like hay fever, an allergy to pet hair means that you are allergic to the hair and particles that certain animals shed. You might be allergic to a specific type of animal’s fur, or just general animal detritus.

How Can You Alleviate The Symptoms?

One of the best ways to avoid an allergic reaction to pet hair is to stay away from pets that shed. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t have a pet, just that you need to find one that doesn’t shed its fur. You also need to be careful when you’re out and about, so carry some antihistamines to relieve your symptoms and try to keep a safe distance from any animals that you encounter in everyday life.

Common Allergies And Treatments To Alleviate The Symptoms

Insect Stings

What Is It?

An allergy to insect stings is where your body reacts worse than usual to bites from insects such as wasps, bees and mosquitoes. A normal reaction to these bites is minor swelling, itching and pain in the affected area. For those with an allergy to insect stings, the symptoms are more severe, and can include hives, dizziness, vomiting and shortness of breath.

How Can You Alleviate The Symptoms?

Without immediate treatment, a severe reaction to an insect bite, known as anaphylactic shock, can be fatal. Your body can go into shock, so it’s important that you have health insurance and keep your allergy information on you at all times. Minor symptoms can be treated at home using over-the-counter products.

Common Allergies And Treatments To Alleviate The Symptoms

Food Allergies

What Are They?

If someone is allergic to food, then this means that their body reacts when they ingest a particular foodstuff. They might get mild symptoms, such as a rash or a more serious reaction, such as going into shock. Common foods that people are allergic to include peanuts, shellfish, dairy products and wheat.

How Can You Alleviate The Symptoms?

The best practice for those with food allergies is to avoid eating the foods that you’re allergic to. Allergy awareness is increasing throughout the food production industry, meaning that if you have a severe allergy it should be easier than ever to find tasty meals and treats you can enjoy. If you have a serious allergy, then you’ll need to be even more careful and carry an EpiPen to deal with a reaction if you do eat or come into contact with food you’re allergic to.

Common Allergies And Treatments To Alleviate The Symptoms

Allergies To Medicine

What Are They?

Medicines, be they over-the-counter, prescription or even herbal, can cause an allergic reaction. This usually takes place not long after they’ve been taken. Symptoms can be anything from a rash and a runny nose through to more serious issues.

How Can You Alleviate The Symptoms?

It might sound obvious, but if you notice any symptoms as a result of taking a certain medication, the first step you need to take is to discontinue the use of the drugs. Then you should contact your doctor to find out if the reaction is an allergy or something else. Once you have a diagnosis, you can find out what linked medicines you can’t take and stay away from those. In the meantime, you can seek treatment for the symptoms you’ve experienced.

If you think that you’re experiencing the symptoms of an allergy, it’s important that you doctor as soon as possible. They will be able to identify the problem and offer advice. This guide should help you to understand the symptoms of allergies, and how they can be alleviated.


Do you or a loved one suffer from allergies?

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Suffering from allergies? Find out about some of the most common allergies out there and the ways you can alleviate the symptoms if you get diagnosed with an allergy.  #allergy  #allergies  #allergysymptoms  #allergytreatments  #health  #wellness