No, no one sets out to become an addict.
However, many people believe that the path they are on could never led to substance abuse.
The thing is though, anyone and everyone is susceptible to becoming an alcoholic or drug
addict if just put in the right set of circumstances.
The biggest issue is that many people fail to realize that and they believe that the actions they are
taking will never cause them to become addicted because they are “in control” of the situation…
or at least they think that they are in control.
The Paths Taken
It is important to know that everyone you would ever meet at places such as The River Source drug detox
center did not get there the same exact way.
Not everyone that becomes an alcoholic or drug addict got to that point because they were partying a lot,
although that certainly can be one of the paths to get to a full blown addiction.
You may suspect that those people at least had a clue that an addiction could be not too far behind them,
but that is not always the case.
This is why social experimentation is still on the list as one of the ways people can find themselves
addicted to a substance.
There are situations where people find themselves using some drugs just to deal with life stresses,
such as work related stress, family troubles, or mental health problems.
They might think that as long as they only use a certain amount or only use their substance of choice
a few times that they will be able to keep a handle on the whole thing.
Then there are those who become physically injured and are prescribed pain medication.
The pain medication is to help get them through a very rough healing or rehabilitation process.
The thing is, though, their body becomes dependent on the medication and when the doctor is no
longer able or willing to prescribe anymore, some patients turn to illegal drugs.
This is because their bodies have become dependent on the opiates and they do not know how to
detox from it.
It is believed that 1.9 million Americans live with an addiction or dependence to opioids.
Steps For Getting Help
There is no one simple solution to make use of in order to get clean from alcohol or drugs.
However, there are a lot of great steps that can be taken so you can give yourself the best shot
at success.
The combination of things like AA or NA programs, outpatient treatment, and drug counseling
are great ways to get the help you need for the addiction that you are facing.
If you get involved in a 12-step program, you are going to want to make sure that you are putting
proper focus on each step.
You may also want to find a sponsor that will be able to help you get through the roughest part
of your recovery, which is in the beginning.
This is someone that you will be able to turn to with questions or when you simply need someone
to encourage you to stay strong when you are faced with temptations.
It is also vital for you to remember that you need to surround yourself with positive and healthy people.
This means that you can no longer have contact with the people that you did drugs with or drank with.
You will also want to stay away from sober friends and family if they were actually enablers while you
were struggling with your addiction.
They need to learn how to properly help you so you can get back in touch with each other and move
forward in a positive manner.
Have you or a loved one suffered from an addiction?
What are your suggestions for dealing effectively with addiction?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.
Awareness is the first step. I hope your post helps someone. I am stumbling it.
Admitting you have a problem and seeking help is the bravest step anyone can take – thank you for sharing with I am Pinnable