Want to look hotter to the opposite sex? The secret may have more to do with your complexion, a new study suggests. According to a study by a psychologist from the University of Nottingham in Malaysia, Ian Stephen, women found “golden,” or healthy-looking skin, more attractive and that this quality even trumped traditional masculine features like a long face or defined jawline. So if your skin care has been mediocre at best and nonexistent at worst, now is a good time to change that. Here are some simple yet effective tips to help boost your sex appeal and feel more confident.



Wash Your Face Well

Washing your face daily may sound like a pretty straightforward tip, but most guys are either doing this wrong or completely skipping it. So what is the right way to wash your face? First, make sure to use a gentle facial cleanser that is specially formulated for your skin type. If you have dry skin, go for a gentle product that has moisturizing properties. On the other hand, if you have oily and acne-prone skin, go for cleansers that offer oil control and active acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid.

Second, never wash your face while taking a hot shower because this could damage your skin and make it dry. Use lukewarm water instead. Finally, in terms of frequency, the general rule of thumb is to wash your face at least twice a day. Do this once in the morning and at night to eliminate the oil and dirt that accumulated on your face.

A Simple Guide to Taking Care of Your Manly Face

Shave Properly

Did you know that the average man spends forty-five days of his life shaving? For a lot of men around the world, shaving is probably the biggest chore they do daily. The numbers should only convince you to take shaving seriously. Don’t settle for cheap shaving razors. A good-quality razor can be a lifetime investment, so take time to pick the best out of the many options available. Consider your skin type and the coarseness of your beard. Experts also suggest avoiding razors with multiple blades because these could cause ingrown hair.

In addition to a good razor, make sure to use a great shaving gel. This product softens your hair and makes it easier for you to shave, and it also gives your skin an additional shield of protection. Last but not the least, find an aftershave that is soothing. Consider a so that it doesn’t dry up your skin.


Wear Sunblock

If you want to look healthy and youthful, then you should make sure to protect your face from the sun. Sure, a great tan looks sexy, but there is nothing sexy about sun damage. Too much sun exposure can permanently damage your skin and cause unsightly marks like redness, peeling, and sunspots. Make sure you are always protected once you go out of the house by investing in a sunscreen that has at least an SPF of 30. If you regularly go outdoors under the heat of the sun, go for a product with a higher SPF, and always bring sunblock with you so you can reapply.

Last but not least, not all sunblocks are made equal. Pick a product that suits your lifestyle. For example, if you are into active water sports, then your sunblock should be water-proof and water-resistant. On the other hand, if your sun exposure is not that extreme, then you can go for a sunblock that is lightweight so it does not feel greasy on your face.

A Simple Guide to Taking Care of Your Manly Face

Get Enough Sleep

Do not underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Getting solid, restful sleep at night not only gives you the energy you need to take on your manly adventures; it also affects the way you look. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can affect the moisture levels of your skin, so you end up looking dull, stressed out, and dehydrated. Sleep-deprived people have dark circles under their eyes and red, irritated eyes, very far from the definition of attractive. Additionally, lack of sleep has also been shown to have a link with a multitude of health issues like obesity, depression, and kidney disease.

Discipline is key if you want to have a good night’s sleep. Avoid using your gadgets while in bed as the light from your tablet, phone, or laptop can stimulate your brain and make you have trouble falling asleep. Limit your caffeine intake, and stop drinking caffeinated drinks by 3:00 p.m.


What are your favorite skincare tips?

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A Simple Guide to Taking Care of Your Manly Face - Want to look hotter to the opposite sex? The secret may have more to do with your complexion, a new study suggests. Here are some simple yet effective tips to help boost your sex appeal and feel more confident.  #facialcare  #face  #skincare  #maleskincare  #skincareformen