There are so many different ways to find a travel partner these days, and yet, not all trips arranged online turn out to be as good as we expect them to, unfortunately. Some of the failed trips are completely due to circumstances beyond anybody’s control, such as the weather or an unprecedented epidemic for example, while others are a result of our poor decision making. As company matters more than anything else while traveling, today, we are going to discuss a few important factors which could prove themselves to be crucial in finding your ideal travel partner(s) for the next trip you are planning.



Finding the Ideal Travel Partner 

Talk to Multiple Potential Travel Partners from Different Sources

The fewer choices you explore, the more convenient it will feel. The problem is that unless you have talked already to a bunch of potential travel partners on social media sites, or dedicated travel sites and apps, you will not know the good from the bad. Unless you know your available options, it would practically be impossible to make an informed decision.

Also, there is a very good possibility that this could ultimately lead to the formation of a mid-sized group, consisting only of the best candidates for the trip you have planned. All of you have similar interests obviously, so forming a group is usually a lot safer as well. As you may have noticed, it was mentioned that the people should be from separate sources on the internet, which has a reason rooted in safety.

Simply joining a group that has already traveled together previously, leaves you vulnerable and isolated as a newcomer. On the other hand, when they are each from a separate site, source or app, that is unlikely to happen. In other words, if you must travel with strangers, let them all be strangers to each other as well.

Finding the Ideal Travel Partner 

The Idea of Traveling Must Mean Similar Things to You Both

Not all people travel in the same way and while one may proclaim the other as either superficial or cheap, depending on which end of the traveler’s spectrum you belong to, such opinions are irrelevant here. What really matters is that your idea of traveling should align with that of your potential travel partner or partners.

If you like long hikes rather than leisurely cruises, then the kind of people you should be looking for are the ones who share the same idea or at least, wish to. The same destination can be traveled to and enjoyed in multiple ways – just make sure that whoever you do decide to travel with has a similar mindset.

Finding the Ideal Travel Partner 

Get to Know Them Beyond What They Are Telling You

Finally, there’s the all-important question of safety, although we have briefly touched on the topic before. Traveling with strangers has its own pros and cons, and some degree of adjustment might be necessary to form a good partnership while traveling together. However, no compromises should be made in respect to safety. Someone with insidious intentions is the last thing that anybody needs to face on their break, so go beyond the simple introductory knowledge and impressions that you may have about your traveling partners and check to see if they have any past criminal records that you should be aware of.

Even if their names come up clean, you will need to check the officially documented name change records on a site like to find out if any of them have changed their name in the past. If they have, then it is more than likely that their previous name was associated with criminal records, court cases or something else that they want to hide from the general public. In case you do find out from the name change records that one or more of your willing travel partners had a different original name than the one they are using now, use the website to further explore their old name.



These searches can reveal all publicly available crucial information about their criminal history, incarceration records, etc. It’s not illegal to check up on people with whom you would be traveling to unfamiliar destinations, as it’s for the sake of your own safety. All searches through name change records are kept private and the party will not be notified about these queries for basic safety information.

Finding the Ideal Travel Partner 

For those that have managed to find someone who checks all the right boxes here, they are all set to go. An important point to remember is that even if it takes some time, do give the selection process that time it needs in order to be fruitful, since both your safety and enjoyment may depend on it. There is no point in spending money and time on a vacation with people with whom you have nothing in common. It’s your break, so make it yours by carefully selecting the people you go backpacking or glamping with.


What are your favorite tips for finding the ideal travel partner?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.


“PIN & SHARE”Finding the Ideal Travel Partner - Need a travel partner? Here are a few factors which could prove to be crucial in finding your ideal travel partner(s) for the next trip you are planning. An important point to remember is that even if it takes some time, do give the selection process that time it needs in order to be fruitful, since both your safety and enjoyment may depend on it. #travel   #traveller   #travelpartners   #travelpartner   #travelling   #planningatrip