It’s fair to say that the trouble spot most people want to target is their belly. Getting a flat and firm stomach is hard to do, even if you’re committed to eating healthy and exercising regularly. There are many reasons as to why blasting belly fat is hard, from having had children to drinking that extra glass of wine. Luckily, there are some things that can help debloat and flatten out the area.
“Getting a flat and firm stomach
is hard to do, even if you’re eating
healthy and exercising regularly.
Here are ways to help debloat
and flatten your belly.”
Exercise is Important for Getting a Flat Stomach
There are two main ways to fight off belly fat and both may be easily included in your regular fitness routine to get the best results. The first is cardio exercise, which is the kind that gets the heart pumping and burns calories, therefore helping to blast fat. This is important for slimming the waist and uncovering the muscles, which can help you achieve the toned look you’re after. Good choices when it comes to cardio include running, swimming, biking and power walking.
The other important form of exercise to include is strength training and/or HIIT. This will firm and tone the muscles in the tummy area and having lean muscle mass helps the body burn calories more efficiently. When it comes to the age-old debate of sit up vs crunches, the best thing to do is include them both. The more variety, the more muscles you’re targeting for a well-rounded workout. If you don’t have a personal trainer, a great alternative is to use apps like 30 Day Fitness app, that have hundreds of exercises and workout programs. Other good exercises for flattening your stomach include burpees, mountain climbers, squats, kettlebell swings, side crunches and walking lunges.
“Getting enough sleep,
drinking plenty of water,
visiting the bathroom regularly,
adding yogurt to your diet and eating
slowly also help to reduce bloat.”
Your Diet and Lifestyle Habits Also Play a Role
In addition to a good exercise routine, it’s also important to make healthy lifestyle choices. Eating and drinking too much are the main factors that contribute to accumulating belly fat. Balancing calorie intake with fitness helps burn calories and loose fat. It’s crucial to eat a balanced diet with foods from each food group, although too much fiber can lead to bloating. If you have food intolerances, avoid your food triggers and avoid carbonated drinks as often as you can.
Another option is to eat smaller meals more often, so you aren’t loading your metabolism with too much at one time. Skip chewing gum and sugar-free foods as well as limiting the amount of sodium on a regular basis. These steps ensure that you aren’t bloated and that your toned belly can show through.
Diet and exercise aren’t your only options. Other effective ways to banish belly bloat and get a flat stomach include getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, visiting the bathroom regularly, adding yoghurt to your diet and eating slowly. Add these tips to your daily life and you’re buond to see some significant improvement.
What are your favorite tips for a flatter stomach?
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