Driving everywhere on your own? It’s time to kick that habit if you want to be kind to the environment and do your bit to save the planet. So, let’s look at the leanest, greenest ways to get around.


5 Green Ways to Get Around    
Instead of driving alone you could always find people going in the same direction to share the trip with you. This way there will be one less car on the road when you travel. It is also a good means to get to work, because if you carpool with a co-worker you could make a valuable buddy at the office. On days when you’re not driving you will also have less stress going to and from work.  

Public Transport

5 Green Ways to Get Around    
You may already be living in . You just have to make the most of it. So, don’t be afraid to get on the bus or hop on a train. Your next stop could be closer to your destination than you think. Aside from helping the environment you’ll also be able to relax while sitting on public transport and may even be able to catch up on that novel you’ve been meaning to read for so long.

It’s time to kick the driving habit if you want to be kind to the #environment and save the planet. Click To Tweet


5 Green Ways to Get Around    
Peddle power is perennially popular for good reason. Cycling is a healthy, convenient way to get from A to B. But if the idea of peddling all the way to work doesn’t grab you, how about powered cycling? Electric bikes like those from are zippy, portable and surprisingly comfortable. The best thing is that you won’t be using any gas when you travel.


5 Green Ways to Get Around    
This is an option that too few people consider, but is worth it both from the point of view of the environment and your own health. Walking is a great form of exercise that not only improves your cardiovascular system but also boosts creativity – at least, . Of course, this isn’t an option for longer distances, but you might be amazed by how far you can get on your own two feet.


5 Green Ways to Get Around    
For true fitness buffs and marathon men and women, there’s always jogging. Some runners are able to jog to work without breaking a sweat, while most others will need shower facilities if they want to go on to have a comfortable and productive day. Even if jogging to work is out of the question, you could try running to the store, which is a fantastic way of combining personal fitness with caring for the environment.
5 Green Ways to Get Around    
What’s your favorite green way to get around?
Share your thoughts, tips and comments with us.


5 Green Ways to Get Around   


“Shared at the Homestead Blog Hop”