The human body was made to move, but when you suffer from herniated disc pain, moving can be difficult and arduous. Gentle exercise is best for those who have a herniated disc. In between your chiropractic visits or other medical treatments, some of these home exercises can bring you some relief. 



1. Standing Lumbar Extension

A can really benefit from a gentle lumbar extension. This exercise is very simple to do whether you’re at home, in the office or waiting in line at the post office. Standing lumbar extensions help to reduce the pressure on all of your discs, including the one that is causing you discomfort. All you need to do is stand up, and with your hands on your hips, gently push your hips forward. This will extend your lower back to alleviate some of the pressure. Hold this position for two to three seconds or a little longer if comfortable for about 10 repetitions.

5 At-Home Exercises for Alleviating Herniated Disc Pain

2. Standing Row

This particular exercise works best with a resistance band. Simply place the resistance band on a door knob, stair post or another stable item and put one end in each hand. While standing with feet hip width apart and a slight bend of the knees, pull your elbows back with forearms parallel to the floor. Pull the bands as close as you can to your torso to lessen the pain and strengthen the lower back muscles. Do two sets of 10 reps. 


3. Prone on Elbows

Here’s another simple home exercise that can make a big difference in your disc pain by realigning your discs. Lie on your stomach and place your forearms on the floor with your palms facing down close to your shoulders. Gently push yourself upwards while keeping your forearms and thighs on the ground. Hold this pose for about 30 seconds before resting, then repeat five to 10 times.

5 At-Home Exercises for Alleviating Herniated Disc Pain

4. Cobra Pose

Cobra pose is a lot like the prone on elbows but instead of keeping the arms engaged with the floor, only the palms are on the floor. If prone on elbows is difficult, it’s best not to try cobra pose. Lie on your stomach and place the palms of your hands on the floor near your chest. Push against the floor and slowly straighten your arms to bring your head, shoulders and chest off of the floor. Hold for 10 seconds before gently lowering yourself to the floor. Repeat five to 10 times. 


5. Sciatic Nerve Floss

The sciatic nerve floss is a seated exercise, so if you have a sit-down job you can do this at home or at work. Sit in a chair, arms at your sides and feet flat on the floor. Place your chin on your chest and bend forward slightly. As you extend your left leg, pointing your toes toward the ceiling, straighten your spine and lift your chin. Repeat with the right leg. Keep in mind that you may not be able to straighten your leg all the way without discomfort, and it’s okay to go as far as is comfortable. 



It’s important to remember that these exercises should only be attempted as long as they are not putting you in great pain and discomfort. Don’t push yourself too hard and end up regretting it later. Be gentle and patient with yourself in order to see the best results. It’s also advised that you talk to your medical care provider to make sure that you can do these exercises safely.


Have you or loved ones done exercises to alleviate herniated disc pain?

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5 At-Home Exercises for Alleviating Herniated Disc Pain -  When you suffer from herniated disc pain, moving can be difficult and arduous. Gentle exercise is best for those who have a herniated disc. In between your chiropractic visits or other medical treatments, some of these home exercises can bring you some relief.  #athomeexercises #herniateddisc #pain  #exercises  #painrelief