Getting fit or improving your health can seem hard if you find yourself without a lot of space. It might seem impossible to envisage how you could work up a sweat or design that workout in such a small space. Being healthy at home and working out doesn’t require a big backyard or a dedicated room, it can be achieved in even the smallest of spaces. All you need is the right equipment and a positive attitude to achieve your home health goals. To discover the best workouts for small spaces, use these easy tips.



Health at Home: Best Workouts For Small Spaces

Find the right equipment

If you find yourself with only a small space to get your workouts done at home, investing in large or bulky equipment just doesn’t make sense. Finding the right equipment is as much about size as it is functionality. Kettlebells are the perfect option for working out in a small space as they don’t take up a lot of room, but they offer amazing versatility for your workout. You can target arms, back, chest and legs with a kettlebell, as well as offering a great cardio weight in lighter options. Kettlebells work perfectly for small spaces as they don’t require lots of room for storage and can even double as doorstops. Getting the right equipment for your space is crucial to a successful workout in a small area.

Health at Home: Best Workouts For Small Spaces

Multi-purpose areas

If space really is tough to find, consider how you might create a multi-purpose space in your home for your workouts. Boxes, bottles and even canned goods make for great weights, meaning you can work out almost anywhere. This approach can be incredibly useful if you live in an apartment or don’t have a room available outside of your bedroom or kitchen. Household items make for great resistance to your at-home workouts like pilates, yoga or even cardio workouts. Adding that little bit of weight can change the whole dynamic of your home workout. You can even try some low impact exercises seated at your desk or when you are watching television.

Health at Home: Best Workouts For Small Spaces

Use bodyweight

Bodyweight exercises are perfect for home workouts, especially when space is at a premium. Bodyweight workouts don’t require special equipment, and generally speaking, so long as you fit in the space, you should have enough room. Exercises like lunges, squats and push-ups are great bodyweight workouts that can be done in even the tiniest of spaces. Not only will you get your heart rate pumping but over time you’ll notice how much stronger you’ve gotten and how much weight you’ve shed.



Folding or raised equipment

If you do have a little more room for a medium piece of equipment, a great option is to consider the equipment that folds to vertical for easier storage. Treadmills are amazing for home workouts and often fold up to be as small as a cupboard or fridge. If you have space, this approach can work perfectly for small areas and will help you burn significant calories. An alternative might be to look for raised equipment like a pull-up bar. Pull-ups or chin-ups are a great exercise for a small space, so long as you have the room vertically for the bar. Testing even the strongest athlete, chin-ups are an entire body workout that will see you making progress on your fitness goals in no time.

Working out at home can seem impossible if you don’t have a lot of space, but it doesn’t have to be. All you need is to think a little laterally by finding the right equipment or changing your method to be more appropriate for your space. Bodyweight exercises or equipment like kettlebells are perfect for small spaces and make hitting those home workout goals all the more possible again.


What are your favorite workout tips for small spaces?

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“PIN & SHARE”Health at Home: Best Workouts For Small Spaces - Working out at home can seem impossible if you don’t have a lot of space, but it doesn’t have to be. All you need is to think a little laterally by finding the right equipment or changing your method to be more appropriate for your space. Bodyweight exercises or equipment like kettlebells are perfect for small spaces. #exercise #fitness #homeworkout  #homeexercise  #bodyweightexercise  #kettlebells  #yoga  #smallspaceworkout