Unwanted body hair is one of the most annoying and discomforting elements of our bodies and physical appearance. A few extras around the brows make your face look untidy and a hairline across your upper lip almost steals away your femininity.  You dread wearing your favorite backless gown because the hair on your back is becoming an eye sore or you are annoyed with your underarm hair resulting in body odor.
The answer to all of these problems is getting your unwanted body hair removed. There are numerous methods of available. Each of those methods has their own pros and cons, however, some have more reliable and longer-lasting results than others.

“Unwanted body hair can be one

of the most annoying and discomforting

elements of our bodies and

physical appearance.”



5 Ways to Get Your Body Hair Removed
This is by far the most popular hair removal method around the world. Wax can be either hot or cold, but lately most cosmetic practitioners and customers have switched to hot wax due to greater utility, ease of use and relatively less pain. Under this procedure a patch of hot wax is applied on the area from where the hair needs to be removed, the wax patched is left for a few seconds to dry and then peeled off using a finger. The method is economical and is excellent for dealing with hard and coarse hair.
The results can last for three to six weeks depending on individual hair type and growth rate. It is very important that the person performing this procedure is trained and skillful and knows how hot is too hot and how to apply and peel off the wax or else you might end up with burns and wounds. The quality of wax and other hygiene standards such as cleanliness of waxing equipment are also important in order to avoid any possible infections.


5 Ways to Get Your Body Hair Removed
This is the cheapest, easiest, quickest, and the most painless methods for hair removal. It can be easily done from the comfort of your home, without having to make an appointment with a professional and only requires investing in a good razor and a shaving cream. On the downside the hair regrowth is pretty quick for this method and there is high probability of getting cuts, wounds and ingrown hair. Maintaining hygiene standards for your shaving equipment such as razors is very important to avoid infections and skin diseases.

3.Hair Removal Creams

5 Ways to Get Your Body Hair Removed
This is another extremely cheap and painless method for hair removal. It only requires you to purchase a hair removing cream from any grocery store or drugstore and get your hair removed from the comfort of your home. On the downside many of these creams are loaded with strong chemicals which can cause irritation and other allergies especially if the skin is sensitive. There are also a variety of natural and organic hair removal creams available or you can make your own DIY hair removal preparations using common ingredients from your kitchen such as honey, oatmeal, coffee grounds, turmeric, yogurt, lemon juice and baking soda.

There are numerous ways to remove unwanted body hair. Each method has it's own pros and cons. Click To Tweet

4.Laser Hair Removal

5 Ways to Get Your Body Hair Removed
Laser treatments for hair removal have gained immense popularity in the past decade. It is an excellent solution for people who find it too much of a hassle or painful to get their body and face waxed or they are too scared of wounds and infections to try razors and cream. The method involves using laser therapy to destroy hair follicles, which make the result almost permanent. It is more painful and more expensive than other hair removal alternatives on the list and requires multiple sessions to achieve the desired result.


5 Ways to Get Your Body Hair Removed
Electrolysis is a much more permanent and reliable method of hair removal compared to laser. It involves using electric current to destroy the follicles. The technician or performing the procedure needs to be skilled or else there is a risk of scarring or discoloration. Like laser, electrolysis also requires multiple visits and is more expensive method.
What are your favorite ways to remove hair from your body?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.


Concerned about unwanted body hair? 5 Ways to Get Your Body Hair Removed #hairremoval #waxing #shaving #electrolysis