A is a complex medical procedure which can be very effective in combating hereditary-pattern baldness and other forms of hair loss in men. While it’s easy to get carried away by emotions when considering a personal procedure such as a hair transplant, it’s important to take a moment to do your research and ensure you know everything you need to know about the hair transplant procedure you’re about to undergo.



1. What a FUE transplant is

A FUE hair transplant involves taking individual hairs from the back of the head and grafting them onto the bald area of the scalp. It’s a minimally invasive procedure which doesn’t involve stitches and requires little downtime.

5 Things You Should Know About FUE Hair Transplants

2. How much a FUE transplant costs

The cost of a FUE transplant in the UK can vary, and depends very much on where the transplant is needed and how big of an area needs covering. However, you can expect to pay anything between £3000 and £8000, on average, for a FUE hair transplant in the UK.

5 Things You Should Know About FUE Hair Transplants

3. What the side effects of the FUE transplant are

As with all surgical procedures, the FUE transplant does not come without side effects. There is always a chance of bleeding and infection at the site of the transplant, and most men should expect to experience a certain amount of hair shedding directly following the procedure. Some patients may experience pain, itching, or numbness temporarily after the procedure.



4. What the cons of the FUE transplant are

Obviously, FUE is an expensive treatment and the cost of the surgery will have to be seriously considered by any potential patients. There is a short recovery period, and while scarring isn’t usually very obvious, even FUE will leave very small scars on the head which can be covered by short hairstyles. There are also no guarantees: while many hair transplants can last for decades, transplanted hair can succumb to hair loss too.

5 Things You Should Know About FUE Hair Transplants

5. What the alternatives to the FUE transplant are

Before making any big commitment in life, it’s important to know all of your options. If you’d rather take the non-surgical route, it might be worth investigating medical hair loss treatments, such as Minoxidil, which is available over the counter, or the prescription-only Finasteride. It’s also a good idea to read up about ‘s biggest competitor, FUT hair transplantation.


Have you had — or considered having — an FUE transplant?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.



5 Things You Should Know About FUE Hair Transplants  - A FUE hair transplant is a complex medical procedure which can be very effective in combating hereditary-pattern baldness and other forms of hair loss in men. It's important to take a moment to do your research and ensure you know everything you need to know about the hair transplant procedure you're about to undergo.  #FUE Hair Transplants  #hair  #baldness  #hairtransplant  #hereditary-patternbaldness