Right from the time, our teeth grow; we are trained to brush our teeth and later take on flossing. Dentists advise us to brush our teeth twice daily and floss at least once a day. However, despite that, we are not able to prevent cavities and other gum diseases. On average, you see one in every four persons having cavities. Thus, our expert dentists chalk out some simple tips that you can additionally inculcate apart from brushing and flossing to prevent cavities. Check it out!



“Expert dentists share simple

tips apart from brushing and

flossing to prevent cavities.”



1.Use mouth-rinse regularly

It need not be stated that you need to brush your teeth twice daily and floss at least once daily. Apart from it, you must also develop the habit of using a mouth rinse daily, preferably before retiring to bed. These not only have microbial properties but also help in preventing cavities. Using them after brushing or eating eliminates plenty of gum problems.

5 Suggestions By Dentists To Prevent Cavities

2. Eat tooth-healthy food

Tea or coffee with sugar and milk have acidic properties which increase the risk of cavities. Likewise, too sugary food stays in your saliva for a long time and allows the bacteria in the mouth to thrive. Thus, you should try to cut on their consumption and must always rinse your mouth after consuming them. On the same level, you should eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially after a meal as they have fibers and natural teeth cleansing properties. They go a long way in preventing cavities and keeping teeth healthy.

5 Suggestions By Dentists To Prevent Cavities

3. Increase water intake

Water is by far the healthiest drink at your disposal. Apart from lending various benefits to your body and skin; it also makes your smile more sparkling. Many dentists believe the benefit enhances if you are taking fluoridated water. Fluoride is often considered ‘nature’s cavity fighter.’ Drinking fluoridated rich water strengthens your teeth, washes away all left-over residue and food from in-between teeth and dilutes all acid and sugar in the mouth such that bacterial action is blocked and finally, it increases optimum saliva production in the mouth so that it does not get dry and become a thriving ground for tooth decay. Just increasing water intake can keep several oral diseases at bay.

5 Suggestions By Dentists To Prevent Cavities

4. Consider dental sealants

Dental sealants are protective coatings that are applied to seal off nooks, grooves and all such places in the teeth where the food particles are likely to get trapped. states that they naturally shield the tooth against plaque and bacteria and thus prevents tooth decay and other diseases. While they are more common in children; they can be highly beneficial for adults as well. Moreover, with good care; they can easily last for about ten years with proper care.

5 Suggestions By Dentists To Prevent Cavities

5. Go for regular dental visits

We barely visit a dentist until we are suffering seriously with a dental problem. But regular oral examination and professional cleaning can nip plenty of gum diseases in the bud. You must visit a dentist once every six months at least to assure yourself of healthy teeth and gums. Your dentist can advise you if you need more frequent visits.

Taking responsibility for your oral health and by adopting small changes; you can make a big difference in your pearly white teeth and gums.


What are your top suggestions for preventing cavities?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.


5 Suggestions By Dentists To Prevent Cavities - Taking responsibility for your oral health and by adopting small changes can make a big difference to your pearly white teeth and gums. Our expert dentists share simple tips apart from brushing and flossing to prevent cavities.  #teeth  #dentalhealth  #cavities  #dentist  #oralhealth  #preventcavities