“That sounds awesome, but I’m just too old to get into that now.” We hear that a lot, too much, every time we’re talking to our friends who don’t ski about how much we’re looking forward to another winter of making turns in the mountains. It turns out a whole lot of folks think like that. They assume you can only enjoy skiing if you start at an early age – that you’ve got to pick up the sport when you’re still young. And that’s simply not true. Skiing isn’t just a young person’s activity. It’s a lifelong sport that is designed to be welcoming to beginners, regardless of their age. There is no such thing as being “too old to start skiing.” Anyone can become a skier and make it a lifelong passion, and it’s never too late to start. So here are our top five reasons that it’s not too late for you to take up skiing.



The ski industry incentivizes adult beginners

One of the biggest barriers to entry with skiing is the price of gear, lessons, and lift tickets. But you don’t need $500 just to get started – the will be able to help you find gear packages that help you save money by bundling gear together, and most mountains offer “learn to ski and ride” programs that combine heavily discounted lift tickets with lessons so that you can get a head start on skiing competently.

A huge part of the ski industry is centered around making skiing as accessible and approachable for folks of all ages as possible. That includes senior discounts on lift tickets and , adult learn-to-ride programs, and a litany of other initiatives to help get you hooked on this new sport. And if you’re just getting started you don’t need to buy your own gear. can be a great way to start your first season.


It’s great for your physical health

This one should be fairly obvious. The more health experts study outdoor sports like skiing and snowboarding, the more convinced they’ve become that they’re some of the best ways to stay healthy as you age. Part of that comes from the fact that skiing can be as mellow or intense as you want it to be. You’re in charge of how hard you’ll work every day. So you can go ski fast in steep powder and build new muscle groups, or you can ski casually on groomed trails and just enjoy the fresh air and light aerobic workout. No matter what style of skiing you’re into, it’ll be good for you.

Outdoor recreation is one of the best ways to stay active as you age. And that’s especially true during the winter when it’s easy to just become a couch potato. Skiing gets you off the couch and into the mountains. It’s good for your lungs, good for your muscles, and good for your whole body.

One negative physical health impact you want to avoid is badly fitting ski boots. Having agonizing foot pain all day followed by losing toenails could possibly make you regret the whole taking up skiing thing. Getting is the best way to make sure this doesn’t happen.

5 Reasons It’s Never Too Late to Take Up Skiing

It’s great for your mental health

The other part of that equation is your mental health. As we age it’s important to stay mentally active and keep challenging ourselves to learn new things and solve new problems. Our brains do better when they’re learning and processing new information. And learning to ski provides that in a unique way. The endorphins released when you start linking turns are incredible for your mental well-being.

There’s just a certain magic that comes from gliding along effortlessly, and skiing can provide that no matter what your age is. For skiers, it’s impossible not to be happy on the chairlift on a powder day, for some folks even just putting on their can start to bring out these feelings. Any way that you can build that kind of joy into your life is worth it.


It’s a great social activity

While you may picture a lone skier gliding down the slope by themselves, that is seldom the case. When on the slopes you get to explore new trails with your friends, cheering each other on down the mountain. Riding up the lift is a great time for conversation, with some of the most interesting topics arising. And when you’re all done, there’s no better way to wrap up a day at the slopes than some apres ski at the lodge, reminiscing on the day’s activities over great food and drinks.

Skiing is also great for getting the family active and out of the house. It can be a unique bonding experience, especially if the parents and kids are all learning together.

5 Reasons It’s Never Too Late to Take Up Skiing

It flips the script on winter

We get it, winter gets us down too. The cold temps, wet weather, and excessive darkness aren’t fun for anyone. It’s easy to fall into a cycle of longing for spring when we can hang out outside again. But for skiers, there’s something to look forward to with every season. Even as the yellow leaves and earlier sunsets spell an end to summer, they also send a tingle of excitement through our bodies. Head to any snowboard shop in the fall and it will be full of folks excited for the advent of winter.



As a skier, there’s a reason to look forward to every season, from deep December pow days to sunny spring laps, skiing fills the winter with fun. And at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about. Skiing is fun, for everyone, no matter their age. So get in on the fun and start skiing this winter.


Have you considered taking up skiing?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.


“PIN & SHARE”5 Reasons It’s Never Too Late to Take Up Skiing - Skiing fills the winter with fun and is good for your physical and mental health. There is no such thing as being “too old to start skiing.” Anyone can become a skier and make it a lifelong passion. So get in on the fun and start skiing this winter. It's never too late to take up skiing.  #skiing    #sport   #wintersports   #exercise  #skiingbenefits




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