By now, it has been well documented that employee health and wellbeing are directly linked to workplace productivity. This is mainly the reason why the spending on employee wellness programs has skyrocketed in recent years. According to estimates from Deloitte, larger employers spent an average of $3.6 million on employee wellness programs- or $762 per employee per year. As more employers make the connection between productivity and employee exercise or eating habits, more of them are looking to explore how they can best support their workers’ wellbeing- and their company in the long run. So how can your employer begin to support your health and wellness? By adopting a multi-pronged approach ranging from supporting employee eating habits to educating employees about their safety protocols.



3 Ways Your Workplace Could Be Supporting Your Health and Wellness 

Provide And Encourage Healthy Eating Habits In The Break Room

Employee diet affects their productivity and their health. Considering employees spend most of their days at work, companies must consider how their office environment can affect employee diet choices. It is not just about providing healthy food options in the breakroom either (although it does play a significant role). It is up to employers to ensure their workers can take an adequate lunch break each day, instead of hastily eating at their desks. In fact, more research has emerged recently that eating at your desk can lower your productivity, contribute to employee isolation in the workplace and cause you to miss out on valuable movement opportunities.


Promote And Circulate A Robust Employee Wellness Program

It is no longer enough to implement an employee wellness program, companies must take the time to tailor those programs to their current workforce. They must also spend time educating employees about the employee health and wellness benefits available to them. This includes speaking to employees about company-supported healthcare plans, helping them access financial management help, and letting them know their right to workers’ compensation according to state laws. According to , the only state where workers’ compensation is optional for private employers is Texas. Employee compensation claims and appeals must also be filed within 30 days of the injury.

3 Ways Your Workplace Could Be Supporting Your Health and Wellness 

Introduce Innovative Ways To Combat Employee Stress Levels

Work can sometimes get stressful — some jobs more than others. America’s employees are among the most stressed workers in the world. With over half of the workforce under stress, the ensuing consequences can quickly add up for both employees and companies. Employers can encourage their employees to take advantage of useful stress resources like an on-site mediation room, flexible and hybrid working, and regular employee social retreats. It is also important for workplaces to address the mental health implications of stress in the workplace by providing dedicated access to mental health resources and self-help techniques if needed.



These are just a handful of ways your workplace could support your health and wellbeing goals. Whether they choose to provide healthy lunches or provide employees with regular time away to decompress, it is up to them to design an approach that works for the company and its employees. What is certain, however, is that having a workplace that supports your health and wellbeing makes all the difference.


How does your workplace support your health and wellness?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.



3 Ways Your Workplace Could Be Supporting Your Health and Wellness  - By now, it has been well documented that employee health and wellbeing are directly linked to workplace productivity. This is mainly the reason why the spending on employee wellness programs has skyrocketed in recent years. Here are some ways your workplace could support your health and wellbeing goals. #workplace  #health  #wellness  #employeewellness  #wellbeing  #employeewellnessprograms #healthyworkplace