Why an Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: 20 Great Reasons to Love Them

Why an Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: 20 Great Reasons to Love Them

It’s apple-picking time in my neck of the woods!
And hopefully yours too!
Well, not exactly in my city, but a relatively short day trip will land us in a
nearby “upstate” apple orchard.
And what a fun time it is.
It’s like another world.
Apples are everywhere.
And it’s such a festive time.
Children romp happily among the trees trying to outpick each other.
We gorge ourselves on delightful apple treats and cider.
Why an Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: 20 Great Reasons to Love Them

There is nothing quite as much fun as apple-picking time!

For those who cannot get to an orchard, the local farmer’s market is teeming
with fresh-picked apples from our local orchards.
I can count on finding my favorites: sweet, juicy and unwaxed.
Pink Lady.
Granny Smith.
Rome Beauty.
Red Delicious and so many more…
On top of that there are celebrations:
Apple festivals
Apple cook-offs.
Apple pie-eating contests.
Even dunking for apples at seasonal parties.
Then there is the serious business of deciding what to make with those bushels
of apples we brought home–without actually knowing what you were going to make with them.
Why an Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: 20 Reasons to Love Apples

The fiber in apples helps to fill you up, regulate digestion and control weight.

Apples are so versatile.
They can be eaten as they are. My favorite whay to enjoy them.
Or they can be enjoyed juiced, stewed, baked, blended, dried, sauced.
And let’s not forget the pure pleasure of sweet, tart apple cider.
Why all the fuss about apples?
Because they taste good, but more importantly, they are really good for us.
Apples are provide disease-fighting antioxidants which help prevent and repair oxidation damage that
happens during normal cell activity.
For example,
Red apples contain quercetin which is a powerful antioxidant that can help boost and fortify your
immune system.
Apple pectin–a soluble, fermentable and viscous fibre provides a huge list of health benefits.
Foods high in fibre like apples can help with weight mananagement since they fill you up without adding
too many calories.
Scientists have discovered that apples help to reduce cholestorol build up and help to protect you from
heart disease.
We all know that if plaque builds inside your arteries, it reduces blood flow to your heart, leading to coronary
artery disease.
Apparently, the  phenolic compound found in apple skins prevents the cholesterol that gets into your system
from solidifying on your artery walls.

More Reasons to Take a Bite!

Why an Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: 20 Great Reasons to Love Them

There are few foods quite as delicious and nutritious as a freshly-picked apple!

*Regular consumption of apples can help to:
*Detoxify your liver
*Boost your immune system
*Curb all sorts of cancers
*Decrease your risk of diabetes
*Fight diarrhea and constipation
*Neutralize irritable bowel syndrome
*Reduce cholesterol
*Keep your heart healthy
*Avert hemorrhoids
*Protect against Alzheimer’s
*Protect against Parkinson’s disease
*Prevent the development of gallstones
*Prevent cataracts
*Control your weight
*Beautify your smile with whiter, healthier teeth
Why an Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: 20 Great Reasons to Love Them

What are your favorite apples to eat?

What do you like to make with your apples?

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“Shared on Friendship Friday”