save money

How Gardening Could Save You Green $$

By |2020-02-05T22:44:46-05:00February 5th, 2020|Categories: Gardening, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , |

Gardening has an abundance of different health benefits most people aren’t aware of. From lowering cortisol and reducing stress, adding a little more green in your life never hurts anything (even your bank account). Whether you have a small apartment or a full backyard to play around with, there are some easy ways to save money [...]

How Tech is Helping the Environment and Saving You Money

By |2018-08-11T17:23:27-04:00August 11th, 2018|Categories: Energy-efficient, Environment, Featured, Green living, Living Eco-friendly, Living Green, Living Green, Technology|Tags: , , , , , |

It’s no secret that the environment is in trouble. Global warming is becoming an increasing concern, as the world tries to desperately reduce its carbon emissions. However, over the years, experts have managed to develop technology which is helping to not only save the environment, but also save you money too. So, how exactly is tech [...]

Eco-Friendly Ways to Save Money and Energy on Your Next Move

By |2017-05-15T20:24:25-04:00May 15th, 2017|Categories: Featured, Living Eco-friendly, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , |

Nearly every human activity has an impact on our environment. Some are so disruptive to Earth's fragile ecosystems that our planet may eventually lose the ability to support human life. Eco-Friendly Cities Offers the Promise of Sustainable Growth Rapid increases in population and development damage the environment. In these areas deforestation, pollution, and over consumption of scare resources [...]

Why You Should Consider Using An Oil Monitor

By |2016-12-21T20:49:57-05:00December 21st, 2016|Categories: Energy-efficient, Environment, Green living, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In recent years, oil monitor technology has improved and expanded, so it’s not just about giving you your oil levels (although that’s still pretty important!). Oil monitors these days can give you lots of other useful information that can help you to keep track of your usage and plan your next delivery. "Once the monitor is [...]

How to Update Your Kitchen on a Budget 

By |2016-08-17T14:16:35-04:00August 17th, 2016|Categories: DIY, Home Decor, Kitchen, Life Hacks|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Is your kitchen old and outdated? You need to bring it up to the 21st century. Whether you are willing to spend your own money or borrow a loan from the bank, it is important to save some when working on big projects. You can do your own DIY remodeling if you want to save more [...]

7 Benefits of Landscaping in the Spring and Summer

By |2016-05-17T13:44:08-04:00May 17th, 2016|Categories: Gardening, Green living, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , , , |

After months of the cold, there is no question that spring brings along the excitement of getting outside and being able to enjoy the warmer weather. This is also the ideal time to help your landscape come to life. During the spring and summer is a great time to get out there and get your hands [...]

This Is A Custom Widget

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This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.
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