How to Stay Green in Autumn

Seasons change and so do you.

While spring and summer inspire more eco-friendly initiatives, autumn and winter

may put a damper on your green living habits.

Here are some useful lifestyle and gardening tips that will help you stay green this fall.

Cook Often, Stay Organic

How to Stay Green in the Autumn

As the colder weather kicks in, you tend to stay at home more often and spend more time

around the stove.

The fall season brings a wide range of delicious, but sometimes unhealthy options.

In order to keep up with the cooler temperatures, your body craves high-carb foods.

It is essential to avoid the unhealthy dishes and to stick with the organic and fibre-rich


Luckily, there are many nutritious and tasty products that will make a perfect addition

to your fall menu like whole grain foods, Brussels sprouts, pumpkins, apples and pears.

Heat Your Body, Not Your Home

How to Stay Green in Autumn

Instead of turning the thermostat on, focus on keeping your body warm.

Wear cozy clothes and use blankets when you can.

In this way you will need less energy and thus reduce your carbon footprint.

This doesn’t mean that you should freeze yourself and your family.

Think about what temperature range you can stand without affecting your health.

Outdoor Clean Up

How to Stay Green in Autumn

Falling leaves are undoubtedly one of the most charming things about the autumn.

However, they can also turn into a time-consuming task in the garden.

Grass that is completely covered in leaves can experience a deficiency of light and


If recycled, though, they can serve as a source of vital nutrients for the soil.

Collect the fallen leaves and turn them into compost for your organic garden.

Mulch made from shredded leaves can prevent weed issues and protect the root

system of the shrubs and trees from the harsh temperatures.

Clearing the leaves is just one of the many gardening chores during this season.

You need to clean and store indoors the garden tools and furniture.

If you no longer need or use certain item don’t throw it away.

Think how you can reuse or repurpose it to create something valuable.

There are numerous crafty projects that will help you turn your trash into treasure.


How to Stay Green in the Autumn

Composting has a central role in organic gardening.

The earth-friendly fertilizer will improve your soil and provide your greenery with

important nutrients.

Making compost is not difficult, especially in the autumn.

Grass clippings, leaves and branches from the shredded trees and shrubs can be

added to your compost bin.

You can also use the kitchen scraps and left-overs.

If you start cooking your compost now, it will be ready for the spring.

Provide Earth-Friendly Lawn Care

How to Stay Green in the Autumn

Fall is your last chance to take care of the lawn before the winter.

Replace the gas or electric lawn mower with a manual one.

Fertilize the grass by using organic compost.

Keep the weeds at bay by applying a layer of mulch.

Mulching doesn’t require a lot of money or effort.

You simply need to use the grass clippings after mowing the lawn or the shredded

fallen leaves.


There are so many great ways to stay green in Autumn.

What are your tips for staying green in Autumn?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.


Shared at Thank Goodness It’s Monday at Nourishing Joy