Sustainability has become an increasingly relevant buzzword in the past decade or so, with more businesses than ever before going after the great green dollar. This is partly because being more eco-friendly isn’t only better for the environment and perhaps for your bottom line, but it can even offer your business a marketable edge.
According to online signage company instantprint, there has been an increased interest in eco-friendliness in recent years, not only from clients but from job candidates too. Indeed, they say that at least half of all candidates mention the environment in some form. This is a company that has spent the best part of the 21st century making their practices as eco-friendly as possible, with recent changes including a 52.77% reduction in the number of sheets wasted in lithographic printing and a reduction in wasted sheets during digital printing of 45%.
So, what advice does instantprint have for those businesses wishing to follow in their footsteps and market themselves in an eco-conscious manner?
Certification and training
If you choose to use print marketing, ensure that the company is FSC certified and is sustainable in their printing practices. instantprint uses only FSC-certified paper and recycle 97% of their waste produce. According to instantprint’s Quality Compliance Manager, Richard Crow: “One of the key requirements to getting to a point of being 97% recycled is educating staff and getting them to encompass an environmentally friendly ethos. Regular training should be issued to staff alongside regular refresher courses to ensure everyone is up to date with new products when launched in their production streams.”
Go digital
Use online marketing to minimize the amount of print wherever unsustainable options aren’t possible. Of course, we understand that physical printed media is always going to be a part of marketing campaigns but thanks to the rise of social media and smartphone adoption there are thousands of ways you can market your business without using a single leaf of paper and promote sustainability in marketing as a result.
Shop local and use less fuel
Using local vendors instead of major national chains is another way of cutting down on the potential environmental costs of shipping across the country. On a similar note, if your business utilizes a fleet of vehicles, consider using fuel-efficient vehicles where possible. Indeed, you might even want to look into replacing your petrol of diesel fleet with an electric one!
Be active in the environmental community
Finally, be vocal in your support of environmental organizations and your use of sustainable marketing products. Not only will these actions communicate your green heart to the public, but it might inspire them to act in kind. It should also go without saying that you should instigate a thorough and strict recycling policy across the company.
What are your tips for marketing your business sustainably?
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