Some factors may stimulate growth hormone production, such as exercise and deep sleep. GH is a growth hormone and is present in all people. Also known as somatropin, HGH or GH (Human Growth Hormone), growth hormone is a highly anabolic protein (key to muscle mass gain) synthesized by the pituitary gland. It is essential for a number of metabolic processes and the growth of various tissues – including muscle.
As we reach adulthood, our GH levels begin to drop considerably, but there are natural and healthy ways to increase the secretion of this important hormone. However, in view of GH production, it was also realized that it had effects that could be beneficial to sportsmen and / or even people seeking aesthetic improvements. This is because GH also has some extra effects, such as stimulating lipolysis, stimulating increased muscle mass and strength, among others. So obviously, its exogenous creation quickly led it into the sports world and that is precisely what has led to the numerous questions that exist today about its use.
Some factors may stimulate growth hormone production, such as exercise and deep sleep. GH is a growth hormone and is present in all people. Also known as somatropin, HGH or GH (Human Growth Hormone), growth hormone is a highly anabolic protein (key to muscle mass gain) synthesized by the pituitary gland. It is essential for a number of metabolic processes and the growth of various tissues – including muscle.
As we reach adulthood, our GH levels begin to drop considerably, but there are natural and healthy ways to increase the secretion of this important hormone. However, in view of GH production, it was also realized that it had effects that could be beneficial to sportsmen and / or even people seeking aesthetic improvements. This is because GH also has some extra effects, such as stimulating lipolysis, stimulating increased muscle mass and strength, among others. So obviously its exogenous creation quickly led it into the sports world and that is precisely what has led to the numerous questions that exist today about its use.
GH produced by the body
GH growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, which is a gland that is located at the base of the skull and virtually everyone has this gland. It is responsible not only for growth, height, but also for cell development. In children, it stimulates bone and tissue growth. In adult individuals, although the amount secreted is lower, GH stimulates the immune system, participates in glucose metabolism, promotes fat burning and increases muscle mass.
Among the main benefits of GH, the following stand out:
– Growth
– Maintenance of bone density
– Increased fat burning
– Maintenance of muscle mass
Natural GH production
There are some natural factors that stimulate GH production:
– Reduction in Insulin Levels: Simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, can do harm to your GH secretion. One of the main points is the fact that excess insulin, caused by high blood sugar spikes, GH secretion blocks and action.
– Deep sleep: This is the main point for increased secretion of GH. It is estimated that during sleep we reach the peak of maximum secretion. That’s why GH-based medical treatment has applications just minutes before sleep. This is precisely because at this stage we have a greater absorption and secretion of this hormone. In this sense, if you want to increase your GH secretion, sleep properly and respect your schedules.
– Physical Exercise (Especially High Intensity): As with testosterone, another high-powered anabolic hormone, GH also has its increased secretion during high-intensity training. Not only during training but also after training.
Injectable synthetic GH

Treatment with GH replacement may be injectable, but only in cases of deficient production of this hormone. It may also be recommended for diseases where GH replacement is related to growth enhancements. This includes Turner’s syndromes (which is the short stature of girls with developmental problems at puberty), chronic renal failure in children or adolescents or some genetic diseases. Ideally, therapeutic use of GH should be indicated by a pediatric endocrinologist or endocrinologist, who are qualified for this. However, any doctor can prescribe it and it must be sold under prescription and medical supervision. By searching online, you can get more info about HGH Therapy.
How is GH treatment done?
Treatment with GH is by daily injections, given at bedtime, subcutaneously (i.e., fat) into the thighs, arms, buttocks or abdomen. There are no preparations in tablet, sprays, suppositories or adhesive forms.
HGH is important but every HGH therapy that will be performed must be with the knowledge of the doctor or related medical personnel.
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