You spent time cultivating your garden, and though the buds are blooming, you’re left wondering: “Well, where’s the Zen?”

Creating a beautiful and well-maintained garden is no small feat, no matter the size of your garden. Small is really the best, anyway. Your green thumb grew green life successfully, and you should feel proud of that. Now, it’s time to add some Zen to your small garden.

You spent time cultivating your garden, but now you're wondering, 'Where’s the #Zen?” Make your #garden more #mindful with twinkly lights, a pebble labyrinth, crystals, glass pendants, natural fencing and an altar for acceptance.Click To Tweet

Light it Up for Enlightenment

Your garden makes for a reflective space to read a book at the end of a long day, and it also serves as a space to hold an intimate dinner or conversation. Atmosphere is important to such experiences, and this can be cultivated by using lights.

Hang twinkly “fairy” lights along railing or from above to feel enchanted. LED candles flicker like real candles to inspire intimacy without the fire hazard aspect and don’t impact the environment negatively.
6 Ways to Add Zen to Your Small Garden

Pebbles for Pondering

Pebbles are a playful treat in a child’s eyes, as kids constantly pick them up to collect or toss into a pond. Invite your inner child back into your life and create a small labyrinth out of pebbles. Use even-size stones to form clean flowing lines as you create a winding circular maze. If walkable, you can use small herbal plants between the stones, if you like. Size doesn’t matter.
Most labyrinth walkers are used to seeing large stones along their path, but small labyrinths can be just as powerful as you create a visual walking meditation with your mind’s eye. Your literal walk can be short or take a walk by letting your eyes follow the path instead. Let your mind unwind and play with whatever skips in.
6 Ways to Add Zen to Your Small Garden

Crystals for Reflection

Placing crystals around helps invite the vibe that you prefer into your small garden. For example, create a centerpiece on a small tea table with LED candles and rose quartz crystals which symbolize friendship and peace. Invite friends over for a small tea party and chat to catch up. Everyone needs a good rant from time to time, and the rose quartz will help the negative energy dissipate, according to the symbolism.

If you’re unsure about which stones to choose, regular clear quartz serves as an all-purpose crystal symbolically, cleansing negative energy and inviting in the good. Be careful with leaving certain crystals outdoors because water can “melt” them — an example is selenite.
6 Ways to Add Zen to Your Small Garden

Glass Pendants for Whimsy

Glass pendants catch the sunlight and create colorful illuminations across surfaces, such as your porch and plant leaves. Hang the pendants in the window, or dangle them from a higher arch, such as a plant shelf or your porch railing.

The larger crystals will create bigger rainbow light patterns, but smaller ones are beautiful, too. Alternate the sizes for added whimsy and a uniquely defined sense that “This is my Zen space.” The rainbows will remind you to smile on rainy days.
6 Ways to Add Zen to Your Small Garden

Bamboo Fencing for Mindful Distancing

Ready to get out of dodge? Your garden is your go-to retreat, but the vision of other neighbors and the concrete jungle stop you from mindfully distancing yourself in a real-to-you remote jungle.

Bamboo fencing lends the feeling of being elsewhere. A monkey could swing down at any moment and say hello! Unbraiding is a common problem with low-quality bamboo fencing, so it’s more sustainable and long-lasting to invest in bamboo fencing reinforced with galvanized wire. This prevents rust and makes your fencing hardier against extreme weather conditions, such as direct and hot sunlight. Tune out the outside annoyances and tune in to yourself.
6 Ways to Add Zen to Your Small Garden

An Altar for Acceptance

Feel absent from your own life as you go from task to task? Invite mindfulness and acceptance into your life with the creation of a small corner altar in your garden.
Altars aren’t solely for the religious or spiritual. It’s simply a place to feel more Zen and centered in yourself. Place a small table or shelf in a corner of your garden or nearby. Add items that make you feel accepted, centered and loved. What about photos of family, crystals or a turtle statue? Keep a journal, and write in it while in your garden, including what you feel grateful for that day.
6 Ways to Add Zen to Your Small Garden
You manifested something beautiful when you cultivated your small garden. Make it more mindful with twinkly lights, a pebble labyrinth, crystals, glass pendants, natural fencing and an altar for acceptance.
With a dash of Zen, you’ll feel more at home and centered there, away from the world’s troubles.
About the Author
Kacey Bradley is the lifestyle and travel blogger for The Drifter Collective, an eclectic lifestyle blog that expresses various forms of style through the influence of culture and the world around us. Kacey graduated with a degree in Communications while working for a lifestyle magazine. She has been able to fully embrace herself with the knowledge of nature, the power of exploring other locations and cultures, all while portraying her love for the world around her through her visually pleasing, culturally embracing and inspiring posts. Along with writing for her blog, she frequently writes for sites like US Travel News, Thought Catalog, Style Me Pretty, and more! Follow Kacey on Twitter and subscribe to her blog to keep up with her travels and inspiring posts!
What are your tips for adding a little Zen to your garden?
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6 Ways to Add Zen to Your Small Garden: Creating a beautiful and well-maintained garden is no small feat. Now, it’s time to add some Zen to your small garden. Make your #garden more mindful with twinkly lights, a pebble labyrinth, crystals, glass pendants, natural fencing and an altar for acceptance. #garden #zen #mindfulness #gardening