First Things First

Strange realities define the modern world. China has significant financial ties to WarnerMedia, which owns CNN. It might just be a little naive to suppose this has no influence on how CNN reports. They’re not alone; look at Rupert Murdoch, who owns FOX. Wouldn’t it be a bit simple to assume that doesn’t affect FOX’s output?

Meanwhile, fringe outlets don’t always have all the information, they’re under substantial competition, they’re “firing from the hip”, as the saying goes, and they also get things wrong. Many of them also have their own biases directing them. So can you really rely on them as a singular source of information?

The average person is in a pickle; especially when important information from all these sources is being thrown at that individual from every angle. Take the new COVID-19 vaccines, for instance. What are you going to do to understand what’s going on with the vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna? Everybody’s talking about them; what’s true?


Everything You Need To Know About Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines

Learning How to Inform Yourself

If a source of light only shines from the left, then the right side of whatever that light shines on is in darkness. The same is true if that light can only shine from the right, or the bottom, or the top, or the back, or the front. Unless you’ve got light on all sides, there will be angles you can’t see. 

So, unfortunately, today you’ve got to do some research. With new COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, cutting edge inoculation technology seems truly miraculous. You can find some breaking information on about the vaccine. Researching it to come to your own conclusions can be smart.

The common wisdom seems to be that individuals should get vaccinated as soon as possible. Even so, let’s think about that. The vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer could be harmless. But there are reports of Bell’s Palsy in some cases. 

The mainstream will tell you temporary paralysis from Bell’s Palsy only sticks around 48 hours. But in some cases, it doesn’t develop for a month or two; and then stays for years. For a virus with a survival rate greater than 99%, is it worth it for you or your family to risk such possibilities?

Everything You Need To Know About Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines

The Main Difference from Normal Vaccines

In general terms, most vaccines work this way: your body is introduced to an inert version of a pathogen which allows your immune system to become familiar with the sickness as a means of more effectively fighting it off internally–think of it as weight training for your immune system. 

The COVID-19 vaccine is a notable exception, as it uses messenger or “mode” RNA as a means of delivery. What these vaccines do is utilize a fragment of the virus’s genetic code in the form of messenger RNA. They say it doesn’t do anything to the DNA in human cells. But is there any way to know that yet?

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Epigenetics Aren’t Always in Mainstream Vaccine Advice

How you eat, how you sleep, how you exercise, the people you associate with, and the things you do affect you at the genetic level through something known as epigenetics. Weight training as a metaphor was used earlier and directly applies here: as you get in shape, your body maintains the shape you’ve gained differently than if you hadn’t worked out.

What this may well result in are transferable physiological properties. Even though underlying DNA sequences aren’t changed, heritable traits can be passed on. Basically, whenever you do something, it forges a new neural pathway in your brain. A hearty group of people can pass down what they’ve learned physically to their offspring. 

Some note that as neurons are conformed, repeated action expands that conformity. So if your face gets used to a numb nerve issue from Bell’s Palsy, you could psychosomatically compound the issue in an unconscious way that becomes heritable genetically. This is likely quite rare, but not impossible. Psychosomatic paralysis is real.

Everything You Need To Know About Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines

Making the Best Choices

Since the vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna came out very recently, and they were developed in less than a year–setting all kinds of records in terms of medical breakthroughs–there is no possible way all the collateral side effects can be known. 

Sometimes certain things don’t show up for decades. Complications from adjuvants, allergies, and hidden congenital conditions are not new; these are well-known issues.

With that in mind, since mRNA vaccines are new medical ground, and their full impact is yet to be totally understood, the best advice is to split the difference on varying news outlets and take your time to make the best possible decision for you and your family.


What are your key questions about the COVID-19 vaccines?

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Everything You Need To Know About Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines - What are you going to do to understand what’s going on with the vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna? Everybody’s talking about them; what’s true? Since the vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna came out very recently, there is no possible way all the collateral side effects can be known. The best advice is to split the difference on varying news outlets and take your time to make the best possible decision for you and your family.  #covid19vaccines  #covid19  #coronavirus  #vaccines  #modernavaccine  #pfizervaccine