We live in a world where people place a lot of value on personal beauty. Having blemishes or wrinkles seems imperfect and unacceptable. Over the years, many new medicines, creams, and laser treatments have been developed to help individuals with all sorts of vanity needs. You can look younger by changing your face shape or even erasing old wounds and scars. Some of these treatments are not only for vanity, but also to help remove cancerous moles or unhealthy warts. Cosmetic lasers work miracles by reducing your wrinkles, blemishes, and even removing unwanted tattoos. However, not everyone can just pick up a cosmetic laser and do it themselves. This form of treatment requires seeing a specialized doctor with a certification and cosmetic laser training. So what exactly does it entail to make the world beautiful and blemish free?

Did you know: Cosmetic #laser treatments can help to reduce #wrinkles, blemishes, and even remove unwanted #tattoos. Click To Tweet

How Do Cosmetic Lasers Work?

Though many people may be interested in beauty treatments, is unique in many ways. Laser resurfacing specifically tackles wrinkles and skin irregularities. New developments within the technology can be used for hair removal and even tattoo removal, which can be painful and expensive. This technique uses pulsing beams of light to slowly remove layers of skin one at a time. The lasers themselves are made of either carbon dioxide or erbium. The chemicals end up vaporizing your damaged skin cells at the surface of your face.
Before pursuing this area of treatment, you should consult a plastic surgeon or your dermatologist. Be wary if you constantly get cold sores or blisters on your face or if you have a darker skin tone; you might not be the best candidate for this form of treatment. Your dermatologist will typically recommend ointments or steroids to prevent scabs or swelling after your surgery. Remember, this is an outpatient process usually only lasts one to two hours. Even though, there is still a good amount of maintenance to uphold after cosmetic laser surgery. Because of this, much of the training to become cosmetic laser certified includes treatment and recommendations for post surgery needs.
What Does Cosmetic Laser Training Involve?
Image source: By SurgicalPhotos CC BY-SA 4.0 

Training and Certification

Most people may think that becoming a cosmetic laser technician takes numerous years of schooling and training, but it can actually be achieved quickly. The trains their new technicians in roughly two weeks. In addition to learning how to use the equipment properly, these classes will also cover skin anatomy, body tissue interaction, skin types, laser safety, and machine maintenance.
There are numerous types of cosmetic lasers on the market, so in your course you will master how to use all of them. Safety is of the utmost importance in a field such as cosmetic laser surgery, and the field is constantly growing and changing. You will become immersed in new techniques, such as contraindications and photosensitizing conditions. You’ll also have a full understanding of the background of different conditions and all the complications that come from using cosmetic lasers. Because of the unique and potentially dangerous aspect of this surgery, certification has to cover a wide range of issues. Plus, getting hands-on experience is a must before you start practicing.

Cosmetic #laser certification allows you to become a #skin care specialist, a job market that has a 12% growth expectancy by 2024.Click To Tweet
Learning to use a cosmetic laser does not require a four year degree, rather a certification. However, a strong background as an esthetician aids you in getting your certification quickly. Often times, when a company like sells a , they will remind you of the ease of getting certified. The certification allows you to become a skin care specialist, a job market that has a 12% growth expectancy by 2024.
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