We recently celebrated World Environment Day, and this year’s theme and objective was to beat plastic pollution. The enormous problem of plastic pollution has been designated as the key issue this year, and for good reason: Did you know that 6 million tons of single-use plastic are thrown out every year? Plastic pollution is a monumental issue, as plastic takes years to decompose. In fact ,it can take up to 200 years for a plastic straw to decompose. That’s why it is so important for us to join forces to radically reduce plastic waste — both at home and while traveling.
Having massive quantities of plastic littering our environment is a danger to our oceans, land and wildlife. That’s why it is crucial that we all start making a greater effort to reduce the amount of plastic we use and to ensure that we dispose of the plastic we do use, responsibly — making sure to recycle whenever possible.
Many countries have already taken important steps in this direction. The plastic bag bans in place in more than 100 countries prove just how powerful direct government action on plastics can be.
In fact, while I was vacationing in Aruba recently, I was happy to learn that they had already outlawed the distribution of plastic bags in stores and shops. They encouraged citizens and visitors to bring their own shopping bags and also promoted the use of recycled totes. Their beaches were clean and free of trash due to regular community clean up efforts.
Global Plastic Pollution By the Numbers:
• Up to 5 trillion plastic bags used each year
• 13 million tonnes of plastic leak into the ocean each year
• 17 million barrels of oil used on plastic production each year
• 1 million plastic bottles bought every minute
• 100,000 marine animals killed by plastics each year
• 100 years for plastic to degrade in the environment
• 90% of bottled water found to contain plastic particles
• 83% of tap water found to contain plastic particles
• 50% of consumer plastics are single use
• 10% of all human-generated waste is plastic
In keeping with the objectives of World Environment Day, Alternative Aquitaine has developed this guide on ways to reduce plastic while on holiday — so we can work towards reducing the plastic pollution we are leaving behind on our travels.
Some of the tips are so simple, yet will make all the difference – such as using a reusable water bottle and picnic set rather than plastic bottles and cutlery.
My own efforts to reduce and avoid plastic use while traveling include carrying shopping totes, a stainless steel or glass water bottle, stainless steel straws as well as stainless steel food tins. I carry my totes when shopping for food at local greenmarkets and I avoid the need for takeout containers by cooking most meals in my hotel suite kitchen. (In fact, I always try to reserve accommodations with kitchen facilities that include a refrigerator, stove, pots, pans, a blender, dishes and utensils.)
To avoid bottled water, I fill my stainless steel or glass bottle with filtered water and take them with me to the beach or on outings. Or I carry my empty water bottles or mason jars to coffee, juice and smoothie shops to avoid using styrofoam or plastic cups.
It all boils down to enjoying your holiday without harming the environment.
Have a look at the full guide below for more tips on how you can reduce your plastic usage while traveling, and some facts about why it really is important to beat plastic pollution.
Even if you can’t apply all of these tips, try to adopt as many of these simple switches into your holiday routine. You’ll be making a significant contribution towards saving our planet from plastic pollution. Go a step further and strive to live plastic-free, like more and more people are doing!
How to Reduce Plastic Waste While Traveling
What are your favorite tips for reducing plastic usage while traveling?
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