Before we start our daily routines or after a hard day’s work, many of us love to rush home and
retreat to our favorite sanctuary: the bathroom.
The bathroom is often quiet space where we can clean up, cool off, unwind, wake up or relax after
a long day.
In my case, this is actually the place where I reconnect with myself, make plans, ponder challenges,
solve problems–and sometimes I even sing in the shower!
In fact, I’m often heard belting out my rendition of “Singing in the Rain”!
But this room is also the place where we waste a lot of water and energy!
“Did you know that:
About 70% of the Earth’s surface
is covered by water though only
1% of that water is usable
for human consumption.”
Unfortunately, many of us with unlimited access to clean water take this resource for granted. We often forget that millions of people around the world don’t have the luxury of clean running water in their homes. Many of them have to walk several miles each day to find safe drinking water. Yet, we regularly waste water with little regard for the consequences.
5 Important Reasons to Conserve Water

1. Without fresh water we will die in a few days.
It is a simple fact that water equals life. Most of us learn this along the way, so why are we complacent when you see fertilizers, oil and other pollutants pour into rivers and streams each time it rains.
2. Protecting our natural eco-systems from further damage is critical.
The oceans, streams and lakes that are the lifeblood of so many local eco-systems are used as dumping grounds, hurting everything that relies on these water sources.
3. Using less water keeps money in our pockets.
You do the math–use less water and the water company will charge you less money.
4. Conserving water can also save energy.
In order to pump the water from a central facility into your home or office, energy is required to run that equipment. Saving water means using less energy which reduces your carbon footprint and helps our country become more energy independent.
5. Water conservation can reduce the occurrence of sinkholes.
When the natural aquifers run low, it leaves a gap where water once was. Simple gravity pushes the ground downward since there is now a void and voila, you have a sinkhole.
Let’s face it, water is a requirement for life–thus making water conservation a habit is vital.
In view of these compelling facts, it just makes sense to “green” our daily routines in order to protect and conserve our precious resources. By implementing a few simple water- saving techniques, we will ensure that clean fresh water is abundant for generations to come.
Green Your “Clean” Routine & Save

The bathroom is one room in your home where there are many easy ways to save water–and money too. Make it habit to follow simple water conservation techniques each day and you can help cut your water usage by more than half. For example, just by using a low flow showerhead you can see reduced water bills within the first month.
Here are few simple steps you can take:
1. Save water and money by turning off the faucet while washing hands and brushing teeth.
2. Make a commitment to reduce the amount of time it takes you to get clean–even shaving just two or three minutes off your time can make a difference. For every minute that you spend standing under the shower head, around seven gallons of water is washed down the drain.
3. Plug the drain immediately and adjust the temperature while the water is filling up–this avoids sending perfectly good water down the drain.
4. Turn off the water after getting wet and while soaping and scrubbing to help conserve water and energy.
5. Conserve water by taking a shower instead of a bath. Showers use far less water than a typical bath: showers use between 10 to 25 gallons of water while an average bath can takes up to 70 gallons.
6. Save water by “showering better”: One of the best places to save both water and energy at home is in your shower.
Besides taking shorter showers, the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense® program has some tips for how you and your family can “shower better.”
“Consider this:
Showering is one of the leading
ways we use water in the home,
accounting for nearly 17 percent
of residential indoor water use.”
Showering accounts for nearly 17 percent of residential indoor water use. For the average family, that adds up to nearly 40 gallons per day. That’s nearly 1.2 trillion gallons of water used in the United States annually just for showering, or enough to supply the water needs of New York and New Jersey for a year.
*The average shower lasts eight minutes. Since a standard showerhead has a water flow of 2.2 gallons per minute, each shower uses 18 gallons of water!
*Across the United States, we use more than one trillion gallons of water each year just for showering.
*Retrofitting your showerheads with water–efficient showerheads, such as low-flow and restricted-flow showerheads is an excellent way to reduce household water use.
We can save significant amounts of water and energy by using a Watersense labeled showerhead. That’s the EPA’s label for showerheads that use less water but still provide a great spray of water when you shower.
If your family uses a water-efficient showerhead:
• Every shower, you’ll save enough electricity to power a 60-watt light bulb for eight hours.
• Every year, you’ll save the amount of water it takes to wash more than 70 loads of laundry.
If you limit your shower time to 5 minutes and use efficient low-flow shower heads, you can reduce your shower water usage by 50% saving up to 1100 gallons of water per month.
Compare this to standard shower heads which distribute around 5 to 8 gallons of water per minute, consuming 40 gallons of water for a five-minute shower.
“Shower Better” with Nebia: Better Experience, 70% Less Water

Now that you see the importance of saving water and you’ve decided to replace your old showerhead with a water-efficient one…
How do you decide which one to buy?
When choosing a water-saving showerhead, it is important to know that “all water-saving showerheads are not created equal”.
Case in point: Nebia’s Showerhead has established an entirely new standard in water use by creating a uniquely-satisfying shower experience while reducing shower water consumption by up to 70%.
Nebia is a fully self-installed shower system with an adjustable bracket and a portable wand that showers you with water like you’ve never experienced before. Nebia atomizes water into millions of tiny droplets with 10 times more surface area than your regular shower.
“You’ve taken thousands of showers.
But you’ve never experienced Nebia.
“Nebia set out to create a shower
that leaves you feeling clean, refreshed,
and ready to meet what’s next…
while using 70% less water.”
With Nebia, more water comes into contact with your body, leaving your skin clean and hydrated all while using less water than a typical household showerhead. In fact, Nebia uses 70% less water than a typical household showerhead. For the average U.S. home, Nebia pays for itself in less than two years. Nebia’s design and engineering provide a significantly superior shower experience in each and every sense.
Nebia was developed with users in mind. With the help of world class industrial design firm, Box Clever, they designed Nebia to be beautiful, intuitive, and functional. They chose premium materials crafted to provide an unparalleled visual and tactile finish and an iconic design fit for every home.
“Nebia establishes an entirely new standard
in water use, reducing shower water
consumption by up to 70%.
With Nebia, we will enable millions of people
to take ownership over their daily shower,
save thousands of gallons of water per year,
and substantially reduce their
overall environmental impact.”
Why Choose Nebia?
Nebia Establishes A New Standard in Water Use

Five years ago, Nebia set out to build an amazing new shower experience and dramatically reduce water consumption. They created something so much more than just a shower. Nebia establishes an entirely new standard in water use, reducing shower water consumption by up to 70%.
Nebia will enable millions of people to take ownership over their daily shower, save thousands of gallons of water per year, and substantially reduce their overall environmental impact.
Nebia Saves Energy & $$
Nebia also helps you conserve energy. Traditional household showers consume markedly more energy than a Nebia just to heat the water and the majority of that hot water goes straight down the drain. Nebia is 13 times more efficient at delivering the heat you pay for to your body, making your daily shower in a Nebia 13 times more thermally efficient.
The combination of Nebia’s water and energy savings translates to lower monthly utility bills. You’ll not only feel good about using Nebia on a daily basis; your pocket book will also thank you.
It Started as a Dream…

Nebia started as a dream in 2010 when Carlos, one of the founders, wanted to provide a better shower experience for his customers. As the head of a large health club company in Mexico City, water consumption was one of his biggest concerns. So he turned to his dad, Emilio, a retired engineer and tinkerer, who led IBM in LATAM in the 60s and 70s. Emilio and Carlos labored for more than two years, eventually stumbling on a prototype that Carlos’ customers loved.
Not long after, Carlos and Philip met through Endeavor, a global nonprofit that promotes economic development through scaling entrepreneurship. Philip, working in Mexico City through a fellowship, and Carlos, the Chairman of Endeavor, together crafted a vision to bring Nebia to the world. They would base the company in San Francisco and try to change how people around the world interact with water in their daily lives.
It wasn’t until they met Gabe in 2014 that the founding team was born and they were able to overcome some difficult engineering challenges. At the time, Gabe was working at Apple on the iPhone manufacturing design team.
“The Nebia shower is just our
first step in building the company.
We believe to our very core that
companies have a responsibility
and an opportunity to make
products that have a real impact
on the world, and be profitable
while doing so.”
Nebia’s vision is to scale their technology and reach all corners of the world where sanitation and water conservation is most vital. Nebia was born in the developing world and the vision has always been to make it affordable enough to go back.
Let’s “Shower Better” by replacing standard showerheads with a well-designed, water-efficient model like Nebia. Save water, energy, money and the environment–while transforming your bathing experience!
Support the Dream
Visit Nebia’s Kickstarter page to learn more about how you can support Nebia’s vision, back this project and preorder a Nebia Showerhead.
Photo source: Nebia product images
How are you and your family conserving water in your home?
Have you considered installing a water-saving showerhead in your bathroom yet?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.
Hi Deborah,
Really good and informative information on conserving water. We all should be conserving water every day but unfortunately many people don’t take it seriously. As you pointed out it is important to saving our environment and saving money but mostly we can’t live without water. shared
Hi Marla,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the importance of saving water and our environment.This is a critical issue. And thank you so much for sharing it as well.
We regularly have Australians stay and they are far more water aware than we will ever be. Many of the shower in under four minutes and if they wash up they put the minimal amount of water in the sink. Nothing is done under running water at all………We are wasteful and it costs.