Summer is on the horizon, and people are past ready to get out of their house. This has lots of ladies considering what style they want to rock when they make their debut back into the world. 

If you’ve been thinking about your signature summer look, you’re in luck. Here are five black girl styles that’ll have your hair laid all summer long.



5 Black Girl Styles That'll Have Your Hair Laid All Summer Long

Box Braids with Loose Ends

Loose ends are a rising trend this year. This rebellious look takes your hair out of protective styles and conveys the sense of a risk-taker. It might be a trend that everyone regrets by the end of summer, but it looks fierce. 

Use hair that can withstand the heat when rocking this style, as you’ll want to straighten the ends to get a boho, summer look. Invest in a high-quality hair serum to keep your locks looking sleek and shiny. For curly loose ends, dampen and braid them before bed. 

5 Black Girl Styles That'll Have Your Hair Laid All Summer Long

Cornrow Cinnamon Bun

Cornrows have long been a favored protective style and one of the best styles for those rocking locks . While wearing a wig to get the latest ombre or trending copper look is fun, you’re missing an opportunity to look glam with your cornrows on display. 

A cinnamon bun is a simple, low bun at the nape of the neck created by twisting the hair around and securing it. With cornrows, this look goes from low-key elegant to super fly. Thandie Newton rocked this look to the Cannes Lions in 2018, and the world hasn’t been the same since. As Newton is very vocal about the discrimination she’s received in the past regarding her kinky hair and black girl styles, it’s refreshing to see her making waves.


Bouffant French Braid

Half-up, half-down styles are going to be a huge hit this summer. You’ll probably see variations of all of the looks on this list in a half-up, half-down style. Our favorite, though, is the bouffant french braid, which gives you the best of both worlds— the volume and edginess of your natural hair and the control and protectiveness of a braid.

For this look, you’ll go for a sleek natural look on top, and put the rest of your hair braided back. French braids are an easy way to incorporate your extensions into the look, but any style braid will do. 

5 Black Girl Styles That'll Have Your Hair Laid All Summer Long

Marley High Ponytails

High buns and ponytails are also set to make a statement this summer, both as half-up, half-down looks, and with loose ends. Add a bit of Marley’s hair, and you’ve got a look that kills. 

For a Marley high pony, you’ll want a few bundles of Marley’s hair. This hairstyle is as simple as threading the Marley hair through a hair elastic, slicking your natural hair back into a high pony, and using the ponytail to secure it. For an extra glam look, you can use your natural hair to wrap around the hair elastic and bring it all together.

5 Black Girl Styles That'll Have Your Hair Laid All Summer Long

Beads are Back

Beads are making a huge comeback this summer with all types of black girl styles. You can cover those loose ends of your box braids with a few well-placed beads or go for a full Fulani braid with island-inspired beaded ends. 

Beads are not only trendy but a fantastic way to protect your ends from the summer sun. They’re versatile and can be customized to capture your signature style. If beads aren’t your thing, get some 90s inspired baubles or some golden hoops. Throw in some shells and discs for a traditional look that reclaims the culture of beads in an empowering and stylish way.

With these five trendy looks, you’ll be ready for fun in the sun with hair catches eyes all summer long.


What are your favorite summer hairstyles?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.


“PIN & SHARE”5 Black Girl Styles That'll Have Your Hair Laid All Summer Long  - If you've been thinking about your signature summer look, you're in luck. With these five trendy hair styles for black women, you'll be ready for fun in the sun with hair catches eyes all summer long.  #blackwomen  #blacknaturalhair  #blackhairstyles  #hair  #blackhaircare  #blackhair  #blackgirls  #hairstyles  #braids #braidhairstyles  #braidsandbeads  #beadedhairstyles  #hairextensions