Your life expectancy and quality of life largely depend on maintaining good hearing. Hearing loss is a common chronic health condition in the United States. Many senior citizens suffer from this condition, and it’s a problem that requires attention. While there’s no known cure for age-related hearing loss, there are things you can do to help maintain healthy hearing as you get older. Here is what you can do to maintain healthy hearing.



7 Tips to Help You Maintain Healthy Hearing As You Get Older

Avoid Earwax Buildup

Earwax is a natural substance that protects your ears from bacteria and other foreign objects. When earwax clogs the openings of your ear canal, it can reduce the effectiveness of hearing aids and cause discomfort. When removing earwax, use the right earwax removal tools and avoid q-tips and swaps as they may push wax further inside the ear canal.


Avoid Loud Noises

The easiest way to protect your hearing as you age is to protect it from loud noises. If you’re going to a concert or sporting event, ensure you wear earplugs or ear protection.

Limit your time spent on cell phones and other devices with speakers close to your ears. These devices emit high decibel levels that can damage your hearing over time if used too often or at high volumes.

7 Tips to Help You Maintain Healthy Hearing As You Get Older

Quit Smoking

People who smoke have a higher risk of developing age-related hearing loss than those who don’t smoke. Secondhand smoke can cause hearing loss when exposed in large quantities over a long period. An analysis of smoking and hearing impairment indicated that 65.7% of those with hearing impairment were smokers, while 15% were non-smokers.


Get a Hearing Aid if Necessary

An audiologist will recommend various options depending on your needs and lifestyle if you have been diagnosed with mild to severe hearing loss. Some people choose not to wear hearing aids as they find them uncomfortable or difficult. However, using the right device makes the difference. Hearing aids are available in different styles, including behind-the-ear (BTE) and in-the-canal (ITC). Hearing aids come in handy for hearing loss, as you can live your normal life. You might be wondering, ? Thankfully, most hearing aids offer streaming devices that allow you to connect your hearing aids to a TV to enjoy your favorite programs.

7 Tips to Help You Maintain Healthy Hearing As You Get Older

Eat a Healthy, Balanced Diet

A diet rich in antioxidants has been shown to protect against hearing loss. This includes leafy green vegetables, berries, nuts, and seeds. A balanced diet helps maintain good overall health, which reduces other risk factors for developing conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which can lead to hearing loss later in life.


Have Regular Hearing Tests

Hearing loss happens gradually, and we may not realize how our hearing has changed until it’s too late. If you notice problems with your hearing, such as being unable to hear people speaking clearly or having trouble understanding conversations in noisy places, consult your doctor immediately.  An adult hearing test helps doctors rule out or diagnose serious underlying causes for your hearing loss, such as infections or earwax build-up and recommend appropriate treatment options.


Don’t Ignore Symptoms of Vertigo or Tinnitus

Vertigo causes dizziness, while tinnitus produces a ringing or buzzing sound in your ears. Both symptoms can be related to an ear infection or other health problems. If you experience them for more than two weeks, consider ways of treating tinnitus at-home treatment or make an appointment with your doctor.

By taking steps to prevent hearing loss and developing your action plan, you can improve the quality of your life as you age.


Have you or your loved ones suffered from hearing loss?

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7 Tips to Help You Maintain Healthy Hearing As You Get Older - Hearing loss is a common chronic health condition in the United States.  Here are things you can do to help maintain healthy hearing as you get older.  #healthyhearing    #hearing  #hearingloss  #hearingaids  #ears