The past few years have made cleaning a top priority for many people and their families. The cleanliness standards that used to make you feel comfortable in your house might not work for you anymore. Instead of wasting hours of your week on repetitive cleaning, upgrade your house with new helpful supplies. These are eight things you should invest in to make your home cleaner without requiring more of your time and energy.



8 Things You Should Invest in to Make Your Home Cleaner

1. Stock Extra Kitchen Sponges

Everyone needs a sponge to wash their dishes, but what happens in between each use? The sponge material remains wet and warm, creating the perfect environment for bacterial growth. During a recent study, researchers found salmonella and other contaminants in household sponges long after their initial use. Stocking up on extra replacements and changing them regularly will prevent your family from getting sick. 


2. Find an Updated Vacuum

Older vacuum models may lose their suction strength with time and use. Without the ability to pull debris and bacteria from carpet fibers, the mess remains on your floors. If your vacuum is more than a few years old, swap it out with one of the latest models to ensure that it can do its job properly. The improved suction abilities will make your carpets and rugs cleaner, especially if you clean the vacuum’s waste container between each use.



3. Research Portable Air Purifiers 

Air purifiers are a powerful way to make your home cleaner. Whether they use carbon filters or an ionic system, a purifier will eliminate floating virus particles and other odors. They can even , so they’re helpful even when flu season ends.

Many people prefer using portable models so they can put them anywhere in your home, like bathrooms or bedrooms. The purifier can eliminate odors in your kitchen until you need it to sanitize a different room during or after someone comes down with an illness. Airborne virus particles won’t remain a health threat if purifiers are always working to make your indoor air pristine.


4. Schedule Bi-Annual Carpet Cleanings

 Vacuums will remove as much bacteria and debris as possible, but microscopic particles easily settle into the carpet fibers where the vacuum can’t reach them. Schedule a professional carpet cleaning twice a year to fully remove anything that could harm your family’s health. The expert machinery will eliminate bacteria and leave your home cleaner than ever.

8 Things You Should Invest in to Make Your Home Cleaner

5. Apply Fresh Window Sealant

Windows aren’t supposed to have condensation on them. If yours have condensation in the mornings, they may require a new sealant. When the sealant around the window lining chips or falls away due to weathering, the resulting condensation that isn’t good to breathe. Apply new sealant as necessary and clean any mold growth away to make your home cleaner all year long.


6. Replace Your Air Filters

Your home’s HVAC unit likely requires filters, but many people forget to change them. If the filters are left to catch dust and allergens, they’ll eventually fill up and push the contaminants back out through your air vents. Replace your air filters every two months or as often as indicated on the filter packaging so you always have clean air to breathe. Even if you have an air purifier, the filters will catch whatever the purifier can’t reach.



7. Use a Steam Mop

Quickly wiping down your hardwood or linoleum floors may not get them as clean as you’d like. Dirt and bacterial stains can remain, but a steam mop takes care of that. The hot steam softens and lifts dirt while killing bacteria because of the high temperature. You’ll get better sanitation results from investing in a steam mop instead of using a traditional mop that uses room-temperature spray or lukewarm soapy water.


8. Set Up a UV Cleaner

Your family uses electronics every day, but those surfaces often get forgotten when it’s time to clean around the house. UV cleaners come in many different sizes to take care of that problem. Whether you need to sanitize your phone, laptop or the TV remote, put the electronic inside a UV cleaner and let the sanitation cycle begin.

UV light kills viruses and bacteria wherever it lands. There’s no liquid involved, so nothing will seep between your keyboard keys or remote control buttons and fry your electronics. These cleaners are also an excellent investment because they last so long. You won’t need to pay for as many weekly or bi-monthly household spray bottles because the UV light bulbs take care of everything for you.

8 Things You Should Invest in to Make Your Home Cleaner

Make Your Home Cleaner

Forget harsh chemical sprays and hours of scrubbing the floors. These are a few things you should invest in to make your home cleaner and simplify your routine. Whether you decide to polish your windows, purify your air or deep clean your carpets, you and your family will prevent common illnesses because these simple steps make your home a healthier place to live.


What are your top home cleaning tips?

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8 Things You Should Invest in to Make Your Home Cleaner  -- The past few years have made cleaning a top priority. Forget harsh chemical sprays and hours of scrubbing the floors. Whether you decide to polish your windows, purify your air or deep clean your carpets, you and your family will prevent common illnesses because these simple steps make your home a healthier place to live. f Here are a few things you should invest in to make your home cleaner and simplify your routine.  #house  #home  #housecleaning  #deepcleaning  #steamcleaning  #UVlight  #airfilter