Sustainable travel is not an easy thing to do. By its nature, travel pollutes in more ways than one, such as fumes, packaging waste and resource use. Being a more eco-conscious traveler helps you to keep certain things in mind and change how you interact with the environment. This includes engaging with local cultures in a way that is respectful and contributes to the local economy. Here are some things to keep in mind when going on your next vacation.


“Sustainable travel means being a more

eco-conscious traveler and changing how you

interact with the environment.

Here are some things to keep in mind.”


Embrace Revolutionary Products

There are a few essentials that you need when traveling. Suitcases are an example. However, many of the items we use when going on a trip are not sustainable. Fortunately, there are always sustainable reinventions of everyday products. Sustainable brands like Zipzii are revolutionizing the travel industry with . Switching to sustainable brands that offer alternative versions of everyday travel items will help you contribute and play your role! 


Sustainable Travel and Eco-Accommodation

We don’t usually think about the place we stay when we try to be sustainable. Traveling is a personal experience, and it can be easy to forget that accommodation plays a role in eco-travel. While most of us want to be sustainable when we travel, only 39% manage to achieve this. Where you stay can have a significant impact on your efforts. Assess the lodgings for features such as organic food availability, renewable energy use, and water sustainability solutions.


Be Aware of Resources

Every interaction you have when traveling will affect the resources around you. It helps to stay aware of resources and how you use them. The impact you have on the environment can be vastly reduced by using only what you need and when you need it. Waste is the enemy of sustainability and can be reduced with a consciousness of biodiversity and how your actions affect those around you. This includes water and power, as well as keeping the place clean.

9 Sustainable Travel Tips for Peace of Mind

Use Public Transportation

It goes without saying, but you can reduce your impact by using public transport. Trains, buses, and bicycles for hire are very common in many towns and cities all over the world. Unless you really need to, forget about hiring a vehicle. This will help reduce carbon emissions as you navigate a great destination. Of course, you can hire electric vehicles. However, not every country has the infrastructure to support EV charging outside of major metropolitan areas.


“Sustainable travel includes engaging with

local cultures in ways that are respectful, 

and contributes to the local economy.”


Be Respectful of Local Culture

It is simply a matter of respect when traveling that can help with sustainability. Essentially, you are to leave as little of a mark on the areas you visit as possible. This means respecting locals in more ways than one. You can also offend someone without even realizing it. And this can be a nightmare. So, to ensure you have a trouble-free eco-friendly vacation, try the following:

  • Shed harmful stereotypes and judgments of cultures.
  • Always ask before taking photos of people and cultural monuments.
  • Don’t use poverty and impoverishment to further your own agenda.
  • Be highly respectful of religion and religious monuments.
  • Kindly engage with local customs and get involved with culture.
  • Be sure to follow any rules that visitors are expected to follow.
  • Leave political views and opinions behind when engaging with locals.

There is great harm that can be done by traveling without respect. Many local cultures around the world are vastly different. You can even land in legal trouble by not observing local traditions! If you are kind to the people and the places, you reduce the chance of any issues.


Support Local Economies

Throughout the world, there are local economies that rely almost entirely on the tourism industry. The Caribbean islands, South American countries, and some parts of Africa are examples. You can help out the local economy by buying their products and sustaining the local infrastructure. It also means the local industries don’t have to use third-party services and can self-sustain. This is important for historical sites and places of religious or cultural significance. 

9 Sustainable Travel Tips for Peace of Mind

Reduce Plastic Usage

We love to grab-and-go foods and drinks when we travel. But most packaging is plastic and non-recyclable. And don’t be fooled by corporate greenwashing claims. Coca-Cola uses misleading language when it comes to recycling their plastic bottles, which aren’t used “in a circle,” as the company once claimed. It can be hard to avoid plastic. But you can reduce how much you use. Brands with paper/cardboard packaging are excellent sustainable alternatives.


Eat Locally for Sustainable Travel

Why go to an exotic destination only to shy away from what they have to offer? Most foodies love to travel. But many people stick to what they know. Which is a shame! A survey in the UK found that 68% of Brits look for brands they know when eating in other countries. This means going to places such as McDonald’s instead of a mouth-pleasing local restaurant. You will be missing out on something extraordinary if you don’t, so at least try to sample the local cuisine!


Remember to Leave No Trace

If you have ever been camping, you know the golden rule is to leave no trace. This also applies when traveling anywhere. Respect for the place and people around you is more important than fun, convenience, and comfort. Leave a place where you found it. This means tidying up, taking trash with you, and removing any tools and equipment. Remember, you are a guest when traveling. A good rule is to treat a place the way you would want guests to treat your home.

9 Sustainable Travel Tips for Peace of Mind


New sustainable products will help you with sustainable travel on your vacation. This includes things like travel bags. It also helps to be respectful of local cultures, including eating local and contributing to the local economy. This will help reduce the chance of running into trouble. Treating anywhere you visit in the same way you would expect people to treat your home is an excellent rule to live by. This applies to where you stay, and anywhere you venture out to visit.

What are your top sustainable travel tips?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.



9 Sustainable Travel Tips for Peace of Mind -Sustainable travel means being a more eco-conscious traveler and changing how you interact with the environment. This includes engaging with local cultures in a way that is respectful and contributes to the local economy. Here are some things to keep in mind when going on your next vacation. #travel  #ecofriendly  #sustainabletravel 

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