After months of the cold, there is no question that spring brings along the excitement of getting outside and being able to enjoy the warmer weather. This is also the ideal time to help your landscape come to life. During the spring and summer is a great time to get out there and get your hands dirty – literally!
Some benefits offered by doing this are highlighted here.
Save energy and money
Landscaping your home can help you save money in terms of reducing how much you have to run your air conditioner. For example, when you plants trees and shrubs that provide shade for your home’s walls and windows, it can reduce your air conditioning costs by as much as 50 percent. The actual cooling effect produced by a healthy, young tree is equal to ten room sized air conditioner units that are running 20 hours each day.
Improve your water quality
When you plant trees on your property they will help to improve the overall water quality. This also results in a reduced amount of erosion and runoff. This will allow the ground water around your home is recharged. Additionally, when you have wooded areas on your property, it will help to prevent the movement of any sediment and other chemicals into the local streams.
Improve your air quality

It is estimated that a single acre forest can absorb up to six tons total of carbon dioxide and put oxygen back into the atmosphere. While your planting plans may be much smaller, the fact is that every tree you plant will work to improve the overall air quality.
Increase your home’s value

When you landscape your property, it can add up to 14 percent to the total resale value. It can also help to speed up the sale of it by as much as six weeks. In a housing market that may be less than ideal, this can be extremely beneficial.
It is estimated that if you spend five percent of the home’s value on installing quality and low-maintenance landscaping, you can increase its total resale value by up to 15 percent.
Burn calories
When you garden for 45 minutes, you can burn as many calories as you would during a 30 minute aerobics class. A single hour of weeding will burn up to 300 calories, which is the same as bicycling or walking at a moderate speed, also, push mowing your lawn will burn up to 500 calories each hour.
Provides you a relaxing space
When you landscape your yard, it will help you create a relaxing oasis that is all your own. It has been proven that an aesthetically pleasing yard and landscape design can actually help you reduce stress and relax.
Increase your home’s curb appeal

When you invest in landscaping for your yard, it can increase your home’s curb appeal. This can help to improve the look of your home and the impression that you make on those visiting or passing by your home. Contact professional landscape design Northern Virginia services to learn more.
What other benefits of landscaping in the Spring and Summer would you like to share?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.
My wife really wants to spruce up our front yard and we don’t really have green thumbs. We have been considering getting a landscaper to do it for us because of how inept we are at gardening. I think a big point of landscaping is that it makes your home look and feel a lot nicer like you mentioned at the bottom of your article.
This is some great information, and I appreciate your point that investing in good landscaping can increase your home’s value. My husband and I just moved into a new house, and we plan on being here for about five years, so we’re looking for things we can do to improve the quality of life here while also upping the home’s value. We’ll definitely look into doing landscaping to get a really good return on value. Thanks for the great post!
Being able to increase your home’s value is a great part of landscaping! If you are going to be selling your home in the future, it would be smart to increase the value of it where you can. That way you can hopefully sell it for more. And, more people may check out your home since it looks nicer than others because of your upkeep.