People of all ages can achieve healthy skin with the right products and methods. Unfortunately, people have spread many myths regarding skincare, causing confusion. Some people believe these myths so much that their belief negatively impacts their skincare routine. Dispelling the myths and finding the truth will help people take better care of their skin. 



Six Skincare Myths People Should Never Believe

Although dermatologists repeatedly debunk skincare myths, people still choose to believe them. Although having access to information is highly beneficial, it can also be detrimental if someone does not know the difference between myths and truths. wants to help people overcome the myths and stop believing them. 

6 Skincare Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Harsh Chemicals Work Better Than Gentle Cleansers

Many people mistakenly believe skincare products with harsh chemicals offer a better cleaning experience than gentle cleaners, but this is untrue. Clean products are free of chemicals like parabens and sulfates. These ingredients do harm to the skin, causing dryness and irritation. Gentle cleansers are much healthier for your skin and offer more benefits than those with harsh chemicals. 


Higher SPF Lotions Offer More Protection

Here is yet another myth perpetuated in today’s society. Most people have fallen for this skincare myth. Anything over an SPF of 30 is pretty much a waste. For instance, 30 SPF lotions block up to 97% of UVB rays, whereas 50 SPF lotions only block 98%. Stick with 30 SPF for the best results and money savings. 


Acne Is For Teenagers

Many people find out the hard way that this statement is a myth. Although teenagers certainly get acne, growing older will not necessarily make it all go away. Hormone changes throughout life can lead to breakouts. Washing your face twice a day and removing makeup before bed are solid ways to keep acne breakouts at bay. 

6 Skincare Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Scrubbing Hard Is the Only Way to Get Rid of Blackheads

Most people get plagued with blackheads at some point in their lives. Blackheads are pores plugged with dirt and grime. Some people believe they must scrub hard to remove these contaminants, but it can make things worse. Gently exfoliating a few times a week is all that is necessary for the relief of blackheads and whiteheads. 


Oily Skin Requires No Moisture

Everyone needs moisture, no matter their skin type. Some people mistakenly believe oily skin needs no moisture. Adding moisturizer to the skin can keep it supple and help control oiliness. It is best to select a moisturizer made for oily skin. 


Skincare Products That Burn Are Working

This is another significant myth people need to dismiss. Skincare products should not burn, and the burning does not mean they are working. Burning is a sign of skin irritation. People should discontinue the use of any products that cause burning and other discomfort. 

6 Skincare Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Stop the Skincare Myths and See a Dermatologist

To further dispel unbelievable skincare myths, see a dermatologist regularly. These medical professionals are there to answer questions and offer factual information to help patients improve their skincare routines. 

Using the right skincare products and approaches is critical for healthy, beautiful skin. Many people harm their skin because they believe the myths above. Getting to the root of their skincare needs and using appropriate initiatives helps people achieve the beautiful skin they long for, no matter their age. Now is the time to unlock your skin’s potential. 


What skincare myths did you believe?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.



6 Skincare Myths You Shouldn’t Believe - Using the right skincare products and approaches is critical for healthy, beautiful skin. Many people harm their skin because they believe in skincare myths.  Dispelling the myths and finding the truth will help people take better care of their skin.  #skin  #skincare  #skincaremyth