Cloud service use for both personal and business use has been on the rise thanks to its flexible use, ability to work remotely and lower costs than alternative services but this doesn’t mean that these cloud services are immune to the usual threats that regulate any internet service. If you are considering shifting your company’s data from an in-house infrastructure to a cloud service, you are probably concerned about the number of news stories that claim that cloud services are vulnerable to data threats, and this isn’t uncommon.


Are you considering shifting your company’s data to a cloud service? Put the proper measures in place to prevent data threats and security breaches.Click To Tweet


While cloud services, both public and private, can be susceptible to security breaches, this doesn’t mean you cannot put the proper measures in place to prevent this from happening to your company.

3 Cloud Safety Concerns, Answered 

1.   Data Breach Threats

When it comes to storing data online via the cloud, data breaches are by and large the biggest concern and the most common fallback of using cloud services. If you are putting your data in the hands of a third-party provider online, you want to know that it is secure, but the statistics can be off-putting. You should keep in mind, however, that these statistics don’t consider the security protection services that companies who have experienced breaches have in place.

If you properly install cyber protection services to increase your , then you can safely and securely store your data using a cloud service.


3 Cloud Safety Concerns, Answered 


2.   Shared Responsibility

Most cloud services, both public and private, shed some of the data and security protection to the customer and this can be a concern if you are not an expert in cyber protection or if your company doesn’t have the time or resources to invest in this essential protection.

If a customer is not aware of this shared responsibility, then this can be a major cause of many security breaches.

Installing an effective security solution that works for your company does not have to be difficult. There are many companies out there who will provide this service for you and help tailor it to your company.

If you are seriously considering moving your company’s data to a cloud service, you should ensure that you are prepared to provide effective security measures.

3 Cloud Safety Concerns, Answered 

3.   Threats Against the Application Provider

When a particular cloud service provider becomes more popular, it is inevitably going to become a more common target for cyber-attacks. This can be a risk for your company’s data, and many of their other customers, but these cloud services employ professionals in cyber security.

Just as you should install an effective and pliable security solution for your own data, these cloud service providers will have a similar solution in place, simply on a larger scale. Their main aim is to provide you with a secure service that protects your data.

If you do have concerns about storing your data with a larger cloud service provider because of this reason, you can choose to store your data with a smaller provider who is a lesser risk to these kinds of targeted attacks.


Are you considering shifting your company’s data to a cloud service?

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