Not as young as you used to be?
Aging is that bitter truth of life that is hard to swallow.
People crave younger looking skin that lasts forever.
But to many of us it seems like a fantasy, right?
Sure, we can’t avoid the wrinkles but indeed we can delay them.
You don’t have to resort to expensive anti-aging treatments or buy questionable creams
and lotions.
A healthy, natural lifestyle is much better approach.
A proper diet is critically important–and you can even try scrubbing with natural fruits rich
in vitamins and minerals to slow down the formation of wrinkles naturally, for example.
Prevention is Better Than Cure
Keep your skin hydrated with antioxidants and nourish it with vitamins A and E.
These antioxidants, vitamins and minerals help to inhibit the breakdown of elastin.
This is one of the main causes of wrinkles and fine lines.
Feed your skin with iron, zinc, calcium which improves elasticity of skin and delays the
aging process.
How to achieve the goal?
We are here to provide you some natural home remedies.
These natural home remedies are proven to have wondrous effects on aging skin with a knack
for wrinkle prevention.
Healthy, Balanced Diet
A healthy, balanced diet and beautiful skin go hand in hand.
Your diet must contain vitamins (A, C, E), Minerals, Beta-carotene, Nutrients and Zinc.
Include green leafy vegetables such as spinach and bitter gourd in your diet.
Whole grain cereals, eggs, sweet potatoes and pumpkin could also help you to resolve your skin issues,
related to aging.
Lemon Juice
The bleaching properties of lemon helps to reduce the wrinkles and blemishes of the skin.
You can have it as a drink or you can also apply it on the areas with dark patches if you want
to improve your skin tone and get rid of age spots and other blemishes.
Directions: Just take a few drops of pure lemon juice and apply it on the skin.
Face Masks
There are many ingredients which can be used as face masks for anti-aging remedies, such as:
Yogurt & Turmeric Pack
Take one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of yogurt
and add a pinch of turmeric into it and mix well.
Apply this pack all over the face.
Leave it for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.
Egg White Pack
Add one teaspoon of egg white to a bowl.
To this add half a teaspoon of fresh cream and one teaspoon of lemon juice.
Mix it and leave it on your face for 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
Scrubbing with Fruits
There are plenty of fruits which can be mashed and used as scrubbers for anti-aging
skin treatments.
Fruits like strawberries, papaya, pineapple and banana contain vitamin A, B, and E.
They are a rich source of zinc, potassium, and iron which will help diminish age spots.
Not just fruits but vegetables like potato and tomato can also be used as scrubbers.
Nuts are a rich source of minerals and calories.
If consumed daily, all your age spots and wrinkles will surely get reduced, and your face will
become shiny and wrinkle free.
Almonds are rich in fiber–rather than just eating, you can even scrub them on your face
as a mask.
Directions: Soak some almonds in raw milk overnight.
In the morning, grind the almonds into a thick paste and add few drops of milk to it.
Apply this onto your skin and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash it off with
lukewarm water.
After your 40’s, you need to keep the skin moisturized all of the time.
Honey is nature’s best moisturizer and helps to keeps wrinkles at bay.
Whether you ingest honey or apply it on face, it works wonders for skin.
Directions: Apply honey on your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
This will hydrate your skin and help to get rid of fine lines.
This is one of the best natural anti-aging medicines you can ever use.
This topical fruit fights all signs of aging–making your skin soft and smooth.
Due to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, it is often used as anti-aging remedy
as it slows down the formation of wrinkles.
Directions: Squeeze out the milk from the coconut’s flesh.
Soak a small cotton ball in this milk and apply it all over the face.
After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
Drink Lots of Water

Water is a natural resource that is essential for existence of life.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
Drinking water will hydrate your body and face.
This will keep your skin looking fresh and slows down the aging process.
Regular Exercise
Regular exercise maintains the blood circulation and keeps your skin healthy and vibrant.
You need to do some sort of physical activity/yoga for 20 to 30 minutes daily for perfectly
textured skin.
Face Yoga
There are various types of facial exercises also, you can do daily.
This will maintain your skin’s elasticity and relax the tense muscles which contribute to the
formation of wrinkles.
You can try these:
Just take a big breath through your mouth and hold it so your cheeks are puffed out.
After a few seconds, release the breath.
Simply picture Buddha’s face with his calm, slight smile and closed eyes.
Beauty Sleep
Early to bed, early to rise keeps you healthy wealthy and wise.
Get 7 to 8 hours of beauty sleep daily for healthy beautiful skin.
In fact, sleep is considered the most powerful rejuvenating treatment to maintain youthfulness.
About the Author
Clair has worked in pharma industry for long but now she runs her blog When she is not blogging, she is building sandcastles with her daughter or probably is just hanging out with friends. Read her article How to Promote Collagen Growth Naturally? or get in touch with her on twitter @vairclair
What are your favorite natural anti-aging skin care rituals?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.
I need to give some of the DIY masks a try! They sound amazing!
My mother was very consistent with her facial exercises. She had beautiful skin and always looked younger than her age. I need to get started!
I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. Diabetes diet and exercise did not help me. I researched online and this is what I had, it is called Dawn Phenomenon where my glucose would be high during the night and early morning hours (between 3:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m). I found a natural United State remedy “Dr. William W. Grosh” and now my blood sugar levels are back to normal. My glucose numbers in the morning were from 117 to 119. When I take Dr. Grosh Product daily as soon as I get up on a empty stomach (30 minutes before eating), the numbers go down to 101 to 104 after drinking it for only 4 days, on How to Live long Healthy Life. You can contact Dr. Grosh Office on