Tart Your Day with an Alkalizing Lemon Detoxification Drink

Reap the benefits of lemon and water in the morning.

I feel good! Want to know why?
Because now I start my day with a glass of warm water with lemon juice!
Plus I drink water with lemon slices all day long! It certainly helps me drink a lot more
water each day than I was drinking before.
Lemons are an amazing multipurpose health food. Almost all of the fruit can be used:
the juice, pulp, skin, flowers and leaves. I think it’s best to use organic lemons because
most non-organic lemons are treated with fungicides and chemical waxes, which are
potentially harmful to our health.
If you cannot get organic lemons, then make sure to brush and clean your lemons under
running water or use a nontoxic fruit and vegetable wash to reduce the concentration of

The Health Benefits of Lemons

Of course, lemon juice is a refreshing, thirst-quenching basis for many beverages.
But check out just a few of lemon’s many health benefits that make it an
“all-purpose” remedy:
• Alkalizing for the body and balances pH
• Natural energizer that hydrates and oxygenrates the body
• Boosts the immune system
• Flushes out unwanted materials
• Blood purifier
• Relieves tooth pain
• Relieves respiratory problems
• Reduces fever
• Decreases wrinkles and blemishes
• Good for liver detoxification
• Vitamin C in lemons helps fight infections, colds, flu, and neutralizes free radicals
linked to aging and disease
• Contains 22 anti-cancer compounds
• Powerful antibacterial properties
• Citric acid in lemon helps to dissolve gallstones, calcium deposits and kidney stones
• Lemon juice acts as an antiseptic
• Helps to resolve acidosis
And this list only represents a fraction of lemon’s benefits!

A Simple Lemon Detox

Tart your day with detoxifying lemon water

A slice is nice.

Try this  lemon alkalizing and detoxification protocol for one week and your body will thank you.
First thing in the morning, cut a well-ripened lemon in half and squeeze the juice into lukewarm,
preferably filtered, water.
Drink unsweetened, immediately.
Wait at least 15 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.
The first morning, drink the juice of half a lemon diluted in a glass of lukewarm water.
On the following days, increase the dose by half a lemon a day, until reaching 3-4 lemons.
Once the maximum dose has been reached, the quantity of juice should be reduced by
half a lemon day until reaching one lemon a day.
For at least one month, continue the dose of one lemon a day.
During the detoxification, keep your diet light, eating mostly fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Try to get lots of sun, fresh air and exercise.
Lemon water is so good for you, I am going to continue having a glass of lemon water as a
daily morning ritual.
In view of  the long list of lemon’s  benefits it’s literally ‘good for what ails you’!
How have you used lemon successfully for health? Share your tips, suggestions and
comments with us below.
Urban Naturale.com: Living healthy, green and natural by design
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“Shared at Weekend Wholefood Blender Party”