A New Year, A New You: 9 Great Ways To Be Beautiful from the Inside Out

A New Year, A New You: 9 Great Ways To Be Beautiful from the Inside Out

I love the new year.

For me, as well as many of you, it signifies new beginnings.

It’s the optimum time to reflect on what matters and to re-assess my lifestyle, priorities,

goals, diet, fitness and beauty routines–from head to toe.

And that includes inner beauty.

You’ve heard the old saying, “Beauty is only skin deep”.

Well, it’s true.

Applying cosmetics and beauty aids to the exterior is one way to achieve a type of beauty,

but it is no substitute for inner beauty.

Applying beauty aids only to the outside neglects the person inside, and can simply become a cover.

In order to cultivate beauty that begins inside and shows outside, try some of these tips.

1. Be grateful

A New Year, A New You: 9 Great Ways To Be Beautiful from the Inside Out

Gratitude is essential to a peaceful spirit.

When you are grateful, worry and fear tend to evaporate.

This kind of inner peace radiates out from you and is very attractive.

2. Be kind

Kindness is infectious.

People find kindness very attractive and pleasing.

Go out of your way to say kind words and do kind deeds.

3. Meditate

A New Year, A New You: 9 Great Ways To Be Beautiful from the Inside Out

Meditation cultivates a sense of peace and wellbeing.

Meditation helps center your mind and relax your muscles.

It cultivates a sense of peace and wellbeing, which shows outwardly in a peaceful facial expression

and calm body movements.

4. Don’t worry, be happy

Strive for an optimistic spirit.

Optimism is infectious and inspiring, and people are naturally attracted to someone who has a positive

outlook on life.

5. Diet

A New Year, A New You: 9 Great Ways To Be Beautiful from the Inside Out

Good, healthy food gives your skin and hair a healthy glow.

Eat a healthy, whole foods-based diet.

Again, this is not about being super-skinny; it’s about your health.

Good, healthy food gives your skin and hair a healthy glow.

A good diet gives you more energy, too.

All of these things are attractive.

6. Exercise

This is not advice about sculpting the perfect body.

Exercise is about your health, and good health is beautiful.

Exercise for the health of your heart, lungs, bones and muscles.

7. Stretch

A New Year, A New You: 9 Great Ways To Be Beautiful from the Inside Out

Yoga and stretching relax your muscles, including your facial muscles.

Stretching exercises such as Yoga or Pilates help relax muscles.

When your muscles are relaxed, this includes your facial muscles – your face will not have the worry

lines that make it look tense.

8. Drink more water

Water helps plump the skin and hydrate the body.

It helps your body flush toxins and impurities.

Make sure to drink plenty of this essential liquid and it will show.

9. Stop and smell the roses

A New Year, A New You: 9 Great Ways To Be Beautiful from the Inside Out

Take time to be still, reflect and reconnect.

Take some time just to be still.

You don’t always have to be doing something.

There is great beauty in someone who knows how to enjoy the little things in life and who is not in a

big hurry all the time.

Of course, there are many more ways to embrace and enhance our inner beauty.

That’s why I love the new year.

It’s a time for reflection, analysis, adjusting strategies and setting the course for the year ahead.

Take a look inside yourself.

Share your suggestions for other ways to be beautiful from the inside out.


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