7 Spices that help you lose weight and add spice to your life.

7 Spices That Can Help You Lose Weight and Add Spice to Your Life!

Sure we want to lose weight and look great…

But who really wants to suffer for beauty?

The truth is, most of us do not.

That’s why many of us are on a constant hunt for less painful ways to lose a few pounds.

Did you know that certain spices could actually help you lose weight?

In addition to contributing to a healthy diet, certain spices can help with your weight-loss efforts.

Whether they work as an appetite suppressant or aid to fat digestion, certain spices can help

you lose weight.

Here are 7 magical spices that you should add to your pantry:

#1. Mangosteen

7 Spices that help you lose weight and add spice to your life.

Mangosteen suppresses the appetite, and helps stop your body from storing fat.

Known variously as vrikshamla, brindell berries and garcinia, mangosteen is a popular

spice in India.

It suppresses the appetite, and helps stop your body from storing fat.

#2. Chili pepper (Cayenne)

7 Spices that help you lose weight and spice up your life.

Cayenne helps to raise metabolism and people tend to eat less food if it is very hot and spicy.

A study in England showed a significant increase – 25% – in metabolism in volunteers who ate

a teaspoon of red or cayenne pepper with each meal.

The spicy nature of cayenne is sometimes attributed to its ability to help people lose weight –

you eat less if the food is hot, and you also drink more liquid to cool your mouth, making you

feel full.

But an actual rise in metabolic rate indicates something else at work on the body’s actual

calorie-burning process.

#3. Black Pepper

7 spices that help you lose weight and add spice to your life.

Black pepper boost metabolism.

This common spice is said to boost metabolism.

Its peppery taste comes from a component called piperine, and this component

apparently stimulates the central nervous system.

This stimulation may be what gives pepper its metabolism-boosting properties.

Freshly ground pepper works best, as it has the most piperine.

#4. Ginger

7 Spices that help you lose weight and add spice to your life.

Ginger aids digestion, and effective digestion is essential to weight loss.

Ginger may help to boost metabolism.

It also aids digestion, and effective digestion is essential to weight loss.

It doesn’t take more than a teaspoon of fresh ginger (even less if you use dried) to

obtain many of the benefits.

#5. Turmeric

7 Spices that help you lose weight and spice up your life.

The active component of turmeric (curcumin) in this curry paste
has been found to reduce the growth of fat tissue.

This popular spice gives food a rich, yellow tinge, and it also may reduce the body’s absorption

of fat.

In studies on mice, the active component of turmeric (curcumin) reduced the growth

of fat tissue.

#6. Mustard

7 spices that help you lose weight and add spice to your life.

Mustard helps burn fat.

In the cayenne pepper study noted above, the volunteers also ate a teaspoon of

mustard with each meal.

Mustard, especially whole-grain or Asian varieties, can help burn fat.

It contains selenium, which helps regulate blood sugar.

Selenium is also considered to be an aid in weight loss.

#7. Cinnamon

7 Spices that help you lose weight and add spice to your life.

Cinnamon helps the body digest carbohydrates, among other benefits.

In addition to regulating blood sugar, cinnamon helps the body digest carbohydrates.

It boosts the body’s production of insulin, which probably accounts for its helpful role

in carbohydrate digestion.

Cinnamon also helps lower cholesterol.

The good thing about these spices is that they are flavorful.

They can add flavor to low-fat, low-calorie foods.

And adding spice and heat to foods probably means you’ll eat less of the spicy dish.

And that’s a another great way to lose a few pounds.

Are you spicing up your life?

Which “weight loss” spices do you include in your diet?

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